No forum/group/social interaction, updates, information, ecm help, support sucks and regurgitates common knowledge..
HPT sales would increase exponentially if they actually had someone who cared or interacted with social media/the users.
Options for purchasing damos/a2ls/xdfs directly, unlocking more already known constants/maps/tables, or even a membership/subscription fee for this would quadruple income instantly with the knowledge that's already there.
I'm not trying to hate on them completely as they do have some smart people actually cracking/buying the ecm solutions, but the closed source path is a walk down self destruction lane.
CoreECU is a start, but only for petrol/gas vehicles, instead of diesels also.
Anyone who decompiles/disassembles these ECM's knows that monopolies have been forming, especially with autosar to the inevitable end of modifying ecms in the near future.
The lost time and money spent on decrypting each ECU could easily be spent on a universal gas/diesel/openecu and the driver to communicate with other modules/sensors.
I see a crossroads with HPT, the road Banks Power took, government contracts to keep it alive with shitty piggyback ecm modulators, or standalone ecm interface, no resistrictions, open source, and membership subscriptions.
I understand you guys are already doing wonderful for people that want specific platforms, tunes, and tools, but as always the people want more, and I am grateful for that, I just don't see it as a self-sustaining business model.
What will you do HPT?