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Thread: Driver Demand Editor: new tool for tuning DBW throttle mapping

  1. #61
    Senior Tuner
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    Quote Originally Posted by CYN_CRVR View Post
    Greg brought to my attention that HP Tuners does not yet support the Transmission Current Gear pids for at least one of the latest ECMs, so I updated the app to handle this scenario. But instead of just ignoring the transmission gear, I implemented an approach that automatically identifies the current gear based on the ratio of the vehicle speed to the engine rpm.

    It uses kernel density estimation on the ratios to assign a transmission gear. The attached graph is an example from a real log. Think of the density estimate as a continuous version of a histogram. This log contained the most 4th gear data since its peak is the highest, and the least 6th gear data since its peak is lowest. The vertical blue dotted lines mark the ratio values identified as a transmission gear peak, and the horizontal red dashed line is an adaptive floor value, below which any peaks are ignored. Each datalog record is then assigned to the transmission gear whose ratio is closest to it. There is spread around the peaks because tire rolling diameter and traction are not fixed values, plus transitions occur during gear shifts.
    You can pull the Trans Current Gear from the TCM for most Gen V stuff with the T87 or T93 as a vehicle specific PID (single blue arrow mode lol). Not sure about Global B though.
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  2. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by TriPinTaZ View Post
    You can pull the Trans Current Gear from the TCM for most Gen V stuff with the T87 or T93 as a vehicle specific PID (single blue arrow mode lol). Not sure about Global B though.
    That was global a and global b. The last one I did wouldn't even show an option for trans gear. Had to get a couple of different hpt guys involved to add in the channel and even then it didn't work until the trans was unlocked. That one really sucked.
    2010 Vette Stock Bottom LS3 - LS2 APS Twin Turbo Kit, Trick Flow Heads and Custom Cam - 12psi - 714rwhp and 820rwtq / 100hp Nitrous Shot starting at 3000 rpms - 948rwhp and 1044rwtq still on 93
    2011 Vette Cam Only Internal Mod in stock LS3 -- YSI @ 18psi - 811rwhp on 93 / 926rwhp on E60 & 1008rwhp with a 50 shot of nitrous all through a 6L80

    ~Greg Huggins~
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  3. #63
    Tuner CYN_CRVR's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GHuggins View Post
    Would it be at all possible to go back to a slightly larger file size load capability? HPT only allows you to zoom in at 10 mins and then it jumps to 30 mins. Would be nice if it went in 10 min increments, but that just makes too much sense, right? The tool works up to about 25ish or 22ish mins worth of logging time. Only if it's possible please
    Are you remembering to disable the "Interpolate Data Gaps" option when you export your logs from VCM Scanner?

    The last big log I recorded included 56 parameters for a duration of 57 minutes, and it's only 42 MB when exporting to CSV with interpolation disabled.

    Also, keep in mind the app only requires 4 or 5 parameters. After exporting to CSV, if you open it in Excel and delete half the columns, the resulting file will be approximately half the size of the original.

  4. #64
    Hello, this is awsome work! Im having some trubble tho, when using the online editor i can?t generate new tables, just says error, but the graphs and all generates properly.. And when using the local install it says that the driver demand tables are missing axises? (Also note to any in EU, if your locale is set to use "," as a decimal seperator, the HPT export will be wrong... that took a few houres to find out)
    L83 E92A 2017+
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  5. #65
    Tuner CYN_CRVR's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tonn0297 View Post
    Hello, this is awsome work! Im having some trubble tho, when using the online editor i can?t generate new tables, just says error, but the graphs and all generates properly.. And when using the local install it says that the driver demand tables are missing axises?
    It's working for me. What are you pasting into the text box on the input tab? Upload a *.txt file of those contents here, plus a screenshot of the local install error message.

  6. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by CYN_CRVR View Post
    Are you remembering to disable the "Interpolate Data Gaps" option when you export your logs from VCM Scanner?

    The last big log I recorded included 56 parameters for a duration of 57 minutes, and it's only 42 MB when exporting to CSV with interpolation disabled.

    Also, keep in mind the app only requires 4 or 5 parameters. After exporting to CSV, if you open it in Excel and delete half the columns, the resulting file will be approximately half the size of the original.
    Yeppers I have a lot of channels as you've seen and I get right around 25 mins of downloadable logged data that it will let me enter. I wish it would allow 31 or 32 mins without having to delete everything every time, but if it's not possible then it's not possible. The 10 min scanner breakpoint is too short then it won't allow the 30 min scanner breakpoint. Unless there's a way to change that in the scanner itself?
    2010 Vette Stock Bottom LS3 - LS2 APS Twin Turbo Kit, Trick Flow Heads and Custom Cam - 12psi - 714rwhp and 820rwtq / 100hp Nitrous Shot starting at 3000 rpms - 948rwhp and 1044rwtq still on 93
    2011 Vette Cam Only Internal Mod in stock LS3 -- YSI @ 18psi - 811rwhp on 93 / 926rwhp on E60 & 1008rwhp with a 50 shot of nitrous all through a 6L80

    ~Greg Huggins~
    Remote Tuning Available at gh[email protected]
    Mobile Tuning Available for North Georgia and WNC

  7. #67
    Quote Originally Posted by CYN_CRVR View Post
    It's working for me. What are you pasting into the text box on the input tab? Upload a *.txt file of those contents here, plus a screenshot of the local install error message.
    i have no idea what changed, but its working now... I think its the locale messing with the import of the table.... like decimal and number seperators

  8. #68
    Tuner CYN_CRVR's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GHuggins View Post
    Yeppers I have a lot of channels as you've seen and I get right around 25 mins of downloadable logged data that it will let me enter. I wish it would allow 31 or 32 mins without having to delete everything every time, but if it's not possible then it's not possible. The 10 min scanner breakpoint is too short then it won't allow the 30 min scanner breakpoint. Unless there's a way to change that in the scanner itself?
    I just bumped the max file size up from 64 to 85 MB, which should put you over the 30-minute mark. Let me know if you start seeing that gray freeze screen again, though.

  9. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by CYN_CRVR View Post
    I just bumped the max file size up from 64 to 85 MB, which should put you over the 30-minute mark. Let me know if you start seeing that gray freeze screen again, though.
    I read that you were paying for this out of your own pocket and I wanted to offer some fast compute and storage for this project. I haven't tried using this yet but I can provide a host dedicated to the cause. I think this is an awesome project.

  10. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by CYN_CRVR View Post
    I just bumped the max file size up from 64 to 85 MB, which should put you over the 30-minute mark. Let me know if you start seeing that gray freeze screen again, though.
    Thank You. I think a lot of that may have been from the computer I was using. It would still do it even with the 64 file size. Got a nice computer now and doesn't seem to be an issue. As always, thank you.
    2010 Vette Stock Bottom LS3 - LS2 APS Twin Turbo Kit, Trick Flow Heads and Custom Cam - 12psi - 714rwhp and 820rwtq / 100hp Nitrous Shot starting at 3000 rpms - 948rwhp and 1044rwtq still on 93
    2011 Vette Cam Only Internal Mod in stock LS3 -- YSI @ 18psi - 811rwhp on 93 / 926rwhp on E60 & 1008rwhp with a 50 shot of nitrous all through a 6L80

    ~Greg Huggins~
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  11. #71
    Tuner CYN_CRVR's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chadtunes View Post
    I read that you were paying for this out of your own pocket and I wanted to offer some fast compute and storage for this project. I haven't tried using this yet but I can provide a host dedicated to the cause. I think this is an awesome project.
    I appreciate the offer. I'm currently using the free version of (, so no cost to me, but it's why there are fairly low limits on RAM and monthly active hours. Any self-hosted alternative would have to run Shiny Server ( in order to deploy these types of apps. Go ahead and try out the app first, then if you want to discuss further feel free to DM me.

  12. #72
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    Thanks a lot for this handy tool! I did all the steps, but after I export the CSV from the system I get all the columns data stuffed into the first one. By any chance did you encounter this behavior?

  13. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roland_Price View Post
    Thanks a lot for this handy tool! I did all the steps, but after I export the CSV from the system I get all the columns data stuffed into the first one. By any chance did you encounter this behavior?
    This is a regional settings issue; see posts 50-53 in this thread.

    I bet if I add a tab-separated values (tsv) format export option, it would solve this issue for international users. I can look into this over the weekend.

  14. #74
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    Yeah, that makes sense, I always forget that could be an issue. Thanks for the tip, I'll switch to the US and try again

  15. #75
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    I don't know if any changes have been made since this morning or if it's just the host site, but it will load the logs fine, but the second it sees the DD table and goes to run its calculations it grey screens.
    2010 Vette Stock Bottom LS3 - LS2 APS Twin Turbo Kit, Trick Flow Heads and Custom Cam - 12psi - 714rwhp and 820rwtq / 100hp Nitrous Shot starting at 3000 rpms - 948rwhp and 1044rwtq still on 93
    2011 Vette Cam Only Internal Mod in stock LS3 -- YSI @ 18psi - 811rwhp on 93 / 926rwhp on E60 & 1008rwhp with a 50 shot of nitrous all through a 6L80

    ~Greg Huggins~
    Remote Tuning Available at gh[email protected]
    Mobile Tuning Available for North Georgia and WNC

  16. #76
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    Hi I just watched your video and it all seems quite self explanatory, except for gathering the initial log file. Do you drive the car/truck as hard as possible with multiple WOT runs OR do you drive as if were a daily "around town" drive?

    Thanks for creating this tool, its awesome.

  17. #77
    Tuner CYN_CRVR's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Johann View Post
    Hi I just watched your video and it all seems quite self explanatory, except for gathering the initial log file. Do you drive the car/truck as hard as possible with multiple WOT runs OR do you drive as if were a daily "around town" drive?

    Thanks for creating this tool, its awesome.
    The 'Documentation' tab speaks to this a bit, so definitely read what's there. When I log for this app, I do a series of smooth throttle roll-ons in different gears and different RPM ranges to try to fill in as much of the driver demand pedal-vs-speed matrix as possible. Cruising at steady throttle for extended periods isn't beneficial for this app, and doing full WOT pulls as if you're on a dyno isn't particularly beneficial either, so you're aiming for something in between.

  18. #78
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    Quote Originally Posted by CYN_CRVR View Post
    The 'Documentation' tab speaks to this a bit, so definitely read what's there. When I log for this app, I do a series of smooth throttle roll-ons in different gears and different RPM ranges to try to fill in as much of the driver demand pedal-vs-speed matrix as possible. Cruising at steady throttle for extended periods isn't beneficial for this app, and doing full WOT pulls as if you're on a dyno isn't particularly beneficial either, so you're aiming for something in between.
    Ah fantastic. This is exactly the explanation I was hoping for, it makes perfect sense. Thanks so much for your swift reply!!