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Thread: Simos18.1/6 - Wastegate Patch Issue

  1. #1
    Tuner in Training
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    Jan 2024

    Simos18.1/6 - Wastegate Patch Issue

    Hey there,

    I am running a 5G0906259D_0002 (Simos18.1/18.6) in my 2016 A3.

    Applied the wastegate OS patch so that it is no longer using the FF logic but desired PUT / RPM. However the RPM axis of the new FF table is completely out of whack. Also confirmed the same with a 5G0906259L_0002 file with the patch applied.

    Any chance that anyone has used the patch before? Did you just edit the axis values to make actual sense, or is there an underlying scale factor HPT applied to the axis?

    (I haven't tried flashing or even editing the map values yet)

  2. #2
    Advanced Tuner
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    May 2014
    The patch only makes the neccessary changes in the OS logic, it doesn't change the axis values or load in any sort of "sane" starting values.

    You just need to go in and program in the axis values that you want to use. RPM 0 to 7000 in 500 increments, TIP desired starting at 1000, 300 increments etc. or whatever makes sense.

    The equation/scaling factor is different for the FF values vs PUT_SP/RPM, so that's why the values look all wacky.

    Make sure to do a 1 time full flash too!

  3. #3
    Tuner in Training
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    Jan 2024
    I appreciate that! I didn't want to start editing the axis values just incase it would throw things off.

  4. #4
    Potential Tuner
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    Quote Originally Posted by aaronc7 View Post
    The patch only makes the neccessary changes in the OS logic, it doesn't change the axis values or load in any sort of "sane" starting values.

    You just need to go in and program in the axis values that you want to use. RPM 0 to 7000 in 500 increments, TIP desired starting at 1000, 300 increments etc. or whatever makes sense.

    The equation/scaling factor is different for the FF values vs PUT_SP/RPM, so that's why the values look all wacky.

    Make sure to do a 1 time full flash too!
    The configuration is established once on the vehicle and is retained for all updates that come after.

  5. #5
    Tuner in Training
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    Revisiting an older topic here. Using the wastegate patch on my A3.

    Logging with an external tool (since it appears VCMScanner doesn't have the right PID's for wastegate position) I can see that wastegate set point is up at 100%, but the actual value starts dropping off - yet TIP SP is higher than current TIP.

    Any idea what could cause this? I've determined it isn't a torque limitation (by temporarily descaling the Airflow to Torque Tables) problem persists. All the limiters I could think would get in the way are all out of the way (air temp, turbo speed, torque limits, etc).

    Screenshot 2024-07-11 154041.png

  6. #6
    Advanced Tuner
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    is this on stock turbo? no way is20 will do 280kpa at 6600rpm.

    WG SP is what the ecu is commanding, but for some reason it's not able to physically attain that-- WG issue, preload issue, too much pressure against the WG etc.

    Especially if this isnt a stock turbo, check the WG voltage, adjust preload as needed and run WG adapt.

  7. #7
    Advanced Tuner
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    Also, VCM scanner should have these PIDs, but they are inverse. You could set up a custom equation of 1 - x or something to get it to match

  8. #8
    Tuner in Training
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    IS38+ turbo, I'll check what I have the WG base voltage set to.

    I've boost leak tested 2 or 3 times now and found nothing.

  9. #9
    Advanced Tuner
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    worth checking the WG stuff, but 280 is still way too much for is38. More like 240 kpa at 6500rpm is reasonable target.

  10. #10
    Tuner in Training
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    No luck with the PID's, I did find the desired WG one, but even with the 1-x math equation they still don't make much sense. Sometimes seeing negative values, sometimes positive. Never what you'd expect.

    Checked the WG preload, it was up at about 3.74v so I dropped it down to about 3.45v and relogged, same issue. I was told by the turbo manufacturer that it should be able to hold close to 27psi up to redline, and have seen logs from other is38+ cars running almost 27psi to over 7k rpm. Probably just blowing hot air up at that point anyway so I'll taper mine off.

  11. #11
    Potential Tuner
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    I have a Golf Alltrack with an IS38, could you help me building my own HPT file ? did you just apply patch and fill that specific table up ? is there many other table to change ?