Potential Tuner
How do I just log data from the OBD reader?
At the moment, I'm unable to pair to DataLink MX+. I've tried unlinking my bluetooth from the car, disabling carplay, and disconnecting from all the OBD2 apps I can find. I've powered my iphone off and back on. I get "connected" from the phone's bluetooth menu and if I give up on TA, I can connect to OBDLink, Harry's, and BimmerCode. I'll keep trying to debug this in the background but I have another more pressing question that I'm hoping to answer.
Is it possible to use TrackAddict to just record data while driving and then review/process that data as a plain (non-video) file later?
1) throttle position
2) brake position
3) engine oil temp
4) gear selection
I'd like to be able to collect this info while tooling around the neighborhood (eg, off track) as proof of concept so I know it will work when I'm actually on track.
I don't see instructions for this use-case but I'm hoping that just means I'm weird but it is possible to do it. I've it turns out I'm also bad at finding the instructions, a link or any other help you could provide would be well appreciated. I have purchased the full version FWIW.