Well I shouldn't say WOT, but essentially anytime I'm above 30% throttle my car starts pulling timing.
It's a 1994 Impala SS with LT1 and t56 but with the torqhead 24x and gen 3 ls pcm conversion using HP tuners, the file has the base timing, injector settings and what not from torqhead which are all fairly conservative from what I've been told. My engine is stock except for the long tube headers it has. The knock sensors came with the torqhead kit which are KS7 standard brand sensors that are for the 2002 astro van.
I've worked on dialing my MAF and SD base tables to around 1 lambda which it seems to be for the most part based on my wideband gauge. At Idle it's still a bit rich but think it's just a matter of 1 or 2 more calibrations though.
Now the issue is I throw it back into the main tune and try to rev the car out it starts running into KR, but I'm staring at my wideband which is reading 14sh and when PE kicks in, the 12ish range, the trims before PE kicks in doesn't seem too alarming, it's not perfect but I don't think it'd be the reason for it to run into KR, but maybe I'm wrong.
Unfortunately my wideband isn't wired up to my hp tuners data logger but it will be soon once the pro-link arrives.
One frame before KR kicks in
One frame after it kicks in, you can see it ramp up to 7 degrees fairly quick, but nothing on there is alarming in terms of trims or IAT.
I tried desensitizing the Knock sensors by about 15% but didn't seem to do anything.
I've attached the log file and tune file if anyone wants to take a look and see if there's anything glaringly wrong.
This is my first time dwelling into this stuff so I tried my best to be informed as possible reading through the forums before asking.
So let me know your thoughts and how I should approach this issue