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Thread: No lap times but track map shows up and gps data seems to work

  1. #1
    Potential Tuner
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    No lap times but track map shows up and gps data seems to work

    Hey all,

    This used to work just fine and I have made no changes to my workstation and laptop (other than Windows updates which broke the HEVC and brought me to these forums). I suffered from the black screen/codec issue and was able to rework that based on this post:

    Anyways, as the title says I can not get lap times to work, Lap 1 just sits at 0:00 and never counts up. None of my footage seems to work anymore, but the GPS data is certainly there as G-force, MPH and trackmap with my position on the track is working great.

    Thanks in advance for any advice!!

    - Ryan

  2. #2
    Advanced Tuner
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    You could try manually setting the Start/Finish point with:
    1. Select your data file in the Input Files in the top right
    2. Click Config
    3. Click "Set Start / Finish Point" button next to Lap Number in the pop-up
    4. Move the slider to approximately where the start/finish is
    5. Click OK

    Hopefully that will then allow RaceRender to go calculate the lap times for you.

    If you have official timing, then you could just enter them one-by-one by clicking the Laps button next to Create Video, and then entering each lap with the format (where lap 0 is any time prior to crossing the start/finish the first time):
    Lap 000: 00:00:18.204
    Lap 001: 00:00:50.436
    Lap 002: 00:00:51.267
    Lap 003: 00:00:52.148
    Lap 004: 00:00:50.845
    Lap 005: 00:01:39.470
    Lap 006: 00:00:50.156
    Lap 007: 00:00:50.585

  3. #3
    Potential Tuner
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Thanks HoboBob! Manually setting the start/finish worked like a charm