Potential Tuner
Methanol Injection
I'm pulling some fuel while spraying alky. Any thoughts/opinions on whether the VE or the PE table is the more appropriate place to make this change?
power enrichment
unless yer spraying at part throttle climbing a hill pulling a trailer or some shit?
Potential Tuner
Progressive boost kit. Why would usage matter? I'm considering the VE table so my commanded afr can still match my actual.
Originally Posted by
Why would usage matter?
key words were part throttle
Potential Tuner
Why would you think PE over VE?
i wouldn't at part throttle
but pe is where ya gotta tune it if you are wot
Potential Tuner
Factory boosted. Pratio is on my ve table. Not sure I have to.
Advanced Tuner
Asking for opinions on which way to run your meth kit, but then arguing against the advice offered seems counterproductive.
Are you altering airflow when you inject meth? No. So, then, why would you alter airflow tables (VE - I'm assuming you understand how VE relates specifically and directly to airflow, not necessarily fueling...) whilst injecting methanol?
Do you understand the implications of closed loop feedback in the fueling algorithm, and how spraying meth during those conditions is going to cause your fuel trims to constantly yoyo back and forth depending on if meth is spraying at any given moment during part throttle (closed loop) vs not?
The sensible thing to do would be to run the water meth kit during open loop conditions (which also happens to always coincide with PE mode on Narrow Band vehicles). Therefore, it would make more sense to trim fuel using the PE tables.
The even more sensible thing to do would be to trim fuel only when meth is actively being injected, but there's only so much that can be done with the stock OS.
If water meth absolutely must be used during part throttle scenarios, then perhaps running in open loop constantly would be the way to go. Or, deal with constantly swinging the fuel trims.
The short answer is that it will work either way, obviously. One way is more logic based, and the other is more "artistic", if you will. Neither way is perfect.
At the end of the day, it won't really matter, as long as the desired outcome is achieved.
Meth is great, when it is working as intended. When it stops working as intended, and you've adjusted your tune to be dependent on it, things can go south rather quickly.
Last edited by B00STJUNKY; 07-28-2024 at 05:28 PM.