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Thread: Dyno tune or toone??

  1. #21
    Senior Tuner
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    duel 450 pumps may need 1 staging if they are in a pot as two running all the time may get hot and cause flow loss mainly when the tank starts getting half to low

  2. #22
    Tuner in Training
    Join Date
    Dec 2021
    NGK iridium 7 gap .030

  3. #23
    Tuner in Training
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    Dec 2021
    The duel 450s are staged their pulse with modulated they have their own controller controlled through the map sensor. It’s a company called vapor works and Rick‘s tanks manufacturers the gas tank with the pumps.

  4. #24
    Tuner in Training
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    Dec 2021
    Quote Originally Posted by edcmat-l1 View Post
    All E38s have a 3 bar VVE. You have to change the MAP axis to see it but it's always there.

    In the OP's case, the VVE over 105 Kpa looks untouched.

    MAF isn't maxed.

    Car is being run in the wrong gear.

    Timing does seem pretty high. It's closer to 15 psi, not 12.

    What spark plugs are in it?
    What gear should it be in?

  5. #25
    Senior Tuner edcmat-l1's Avatar
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    Aug 2006
    Should be run 1:1 if possible. So my statement wasn't 100% accurate. There are times I run cars in lower gear but not often. Typically you run them 1:1 with a locked converter if it's an auto and the TCC can withstand the HP. If it's a manual trans 4th gear is 1:1. Looks like yours was run in 3rd gear. The difference is load. Especially for a turbo car.

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