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Thread: 2016 Stock HPT File

  1. #1
    Potential Tuner
    Join Date
    Aug 2014

    2016 Stock HPT File

    Can anyone help me get a stock read hpt file for a 2016 f350 c&c? Vin - 1FD8X3HT7GEB33569

    The truck is currently tuned by an unknown tuner. I read it with HP Tuners (TC-1797A EDC17) and vin shows up but operating system shows only XXXXXX and can't open up any engine parameters. Need to return to stock.


  2. #2
    Here's a read with the same pn

    double_s 2016 6.7 ford.hpt
    2000 Single Cab Short Bed 7.3 400/200 476 two kits
    2003.5 2wd 6.0. 466k stock bolts. 170/0 and a bottle
    2006 CCSB Built engine 363 t4 swap odawgs stage 2 190/0