Potential Tuner
Engine Swap 5.7L to 6.4L 2018+
Hey there,
New to the platform, I have a 2018 AWD Dodge Charger moving from a 5.7L to the 6.4L. I scraped 6.4L data off of a 2016 read file I was able to find as a start and the engine runs and drives with a 5 speed nag1 with transfer case allowing for AWD.
My question is about Engine Displacement [ECM 13512]:
Causing the loss of ABS and Stability Control
Does this value in the general engine tab effect any other tab values?
I've scrapped all the fuel tables and ratio manually and copied all those over. If I change the displacement value will I need to further change other tab values? Can j just switch that displacement value back to 5.7L and leave it. Is it for general information and not used to calculate anything else were?
I know there's another post but not confirmed information or final answer.