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Thread: 06 Ford 6.0 Turbo Vane Problem

  1. #1
    Potential Tuner
    Join Date
    Dec 2023

    06 Ford 6.0 Turbo Vane Problem

    Turbo vane pos won't go any more then 45%. I can command it with my snap on tool and they will go full close and full open so I know its not stuck vanes so I have a feeling my tune has something going on with it I've messed with every ebp table and airflow table to try and work it out myself but its beyond me what's going on if anyone feels like taking a look here is my file and log.
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2022
    Washington State
    You're making a ton of power, can you log more pids about the turbo and its commanded vane position? Just get as much as you can and get a 10# min log

  3. #3
    Potential Tuner
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    Dec 2023
    Yeah ill mess with that pid list and get you some more info.

  4. #4
    Potential Tuner
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    Dec 2023
    Looks like that log I have is the best I can do, there isn?t any more pids for me to log and the duty cycle I have logged is basically the pcm commanding it

  5. #5
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    Feb 2022
    Washington State
    Quote Originally Posted by AustinR96 View Post
    Looks like that log I have is the best I can do, there isn?t any more pids for me to log and the duty cycle I have logged is basically the pcm commanding it
    Is there a specific issues you're trying to fix?

  6. #6
    Potential Tuner
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    Dec 2023
    Quote Originally Posted by chadtunes View Post
    Is there a specific issues you're trying to fix?
    Just want the truck to use more then 45% duty cycle on the turbo vanes. The truck is numb down low and smokes on take off until the turbo finally lights. I've looked any many other 6.0 tunes and they are similar to mine so I'm not sure that's its a tuning issue or maybe i have something electrical going on, but wanted to at least have someone tell me that the tune looks okay and that its not normal for the pcm to be commanding 45% when my tables have around 80% commanded in the lower rpm range

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2022
    Washington State
    Quote Originally Posted by AustinR96 View Post
    Just want the truck to use more then 45% duty cycle on the turbo vanes. The truck is numb down low and smokes on take off until the turbo finally lights. I've looked any many other 6.0 tunes and they are similar to mine so I'm not sure that's its a tuning issue or maybe i have something electrical going on, but wanted to at least have someone tell me that the tune looks okay and that its not normal for the pcm to be commanding 45% when my tables have around 80% commanded in the lower rpm range
    OK, let me look it over; I use a different turbo configuration and am not familiar with tuning the vane openings.

    Walk me through the log, where does it get sluggish? I see the EBP and ICP kind of low but walk me through the log here.
    Last edited by chadtunes; 09-20-2024 at 05:30 PM.