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Thread: Boosted 2022 F-150 LOAD PIDs not reading correctly; Tuner help

  1. #1
    Potential Tuner
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    Angry Boosted 2022 F-150 LOAD PIDs not reading correctly; Tuner help

    I have a 2022 F-150 with a Vortech kit, stock manifold/intake, SCT X4. Since the get go, it has not been making LOAD, maxxing out at ~1.1 when it should be well into the 1.5+ range. My tuner and his team have checked everything in the tune and say that the MAP sensor scalings are good, the truck is making 3-6 lbs of boost just fine, and I've changed MAP sensors twice and got the truck smoke tested for leaks...still nothing. This is causing issues like a weird surging at the top of gears and at worst, it throw itself into limp mode after a surge with codes: P061B, U1012

    I can clear those and they?ll stay off until a surge event occurs, which it?ll throw them again. The tuner has also gotten some other shops to look at the tune who cant find anything as well and I'm stumped on my end. Another weird thing is that the SCT device has never read the truck's VIN correctly, displaying what looks like an SCT serial number instead...unsure if this might a the symptom of something more serious if the SCT possibly being the issue.

    Any thoughts, ideas, or experience with this? Anything helps!

    On another note, does anyone have a basic off the shelf tune I can try to see if it changes anything? (Willing to pay, but I don't know if that would help diagnose anything but like I said, I'm lost)

  2. #2
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