Tuner in Training
"choppy" idle LTG Camaro
I have a 2020 1lt ltg camaro, i have very wonky idle, it only happens in park, not neutral (a little bit but normal ea 730-780), not drive, reverse, manual, just park especially in tour, spark goes from 6-12, same with basically all the other values go down up, i have tried everything i cant get it idle properly, adaptive idle, spark tables, i dialed in maf ( it idles alot better in maf only but i run blend), its alot better then what it was before, it went from ~500-1100 before the changes, but it still idles from 600-800, yes it sounds cool but i want drivablity, maybe ill try dd tables to get to request a bit more torque in idle, but other than that im out of ideas,
it only happens after driving decently heavy on the throttle, 5k+ at least once cuz it to happen sometimes,
doesn't happen after start up after it cool down a bit unless i let it idle for like 5 minutes,
on normal driving after parking it bonces once or twice and evens out after.
heres a log after i sent pretty hard did a dig and a couple pulls to recreate it in blend,i logged that nothing major other than some small 1.4 kr at wot, iat is high cause i sent it pretty hard but not a cause, 10223024 5.hpl
if i have time ill try recal sd and if that works ill stick in sd only for the time being but i want this to work properly in blend
Tuner in Training
Issue fixed,
In case anyone else has this issue or something similar this is what i did,
Increase idle by 50 rpm,
Increase idle torque speed control reserve by 10%
decrease adaptive idle both pred and immediate by 30% except for coast down,
slightly increase dd at idle,
spark tables at idle set to 3-50% of original value or get the value from .20g and smooth around,
IAT spark correction, reduce the first row after 90f by 50% or zero it out,
smooth out maf air vs freq near idle
smooth out vve near idle