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Thread: 370Z AFR setup

  1. #1
    Potential Tuner
    Join Date
    Sep 2024

    370Z AFR setup

    Hello senior tuners

    I tried to set AFR value.

    As attached pic, I set the high RPM and high Load target AFR value around 11.9~12

    But the actual AFR is 10.8 or so (NTK AF gauge and Innovate AF gauge)

    Do I have to set another map to change the actual AFR value ?
    Attached Images Attached Images

  2. #2
    Senior Tuner
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Assuming stock air intake tract and MAFs are in place, adjust fueling using, Fuel Tab>Compensation Main. If it has aftermarket intakes, will need to work on Airflow>General>MAF Calibration. Get a nice smooth MAF transfer calibration that gets the fueling near your targets, then use the Compensation table to fine tune at various load and RPM. I just started working on tuning my 2011 Pathfinder this afternoon, running pretty darn well now and it is pretty close fueling wise now. I will start my own thread and have some suggestions for the scanner setup that I came up with and is working well. Idle/Low-load and Cruise, dialing it in off fuel trims, WOT dialing it in off the Wideband AF Sensors. First time tuning one with HPTuners, but I have tuned several of my person Nissan/Infiniti vehicles with Uprev since 2013 so the process is well known to me.

  3. #3
    Senior Tuner
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    This is after about 4 rounds of fuel tuning. The average fuel trims are fairly close and it holds very close to the WOT air/fuel ratio target.

    2011 Pathfinder Custom Tune.hpt

    2011 Pathfinder Stock.hpt

    Nissan Pathfinder 4.0L WOT.jpg
    Last edited by Fast4.7; 11-11-2024 at 02:41 AM.