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Thread: Fresh Start to an old build

  1. #1
    Tuner in Training
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    May 2023

    Fresh Start to an old build

    IVe posted on here before posted some logs and files but couldnt really get it going. Now fresh off another build ive come back to get some insight.
    Car is a 2007 Ford Crown Victora (P71) Im tryng to tune the intake manfold that ive swapped over to. The manufacture provided no volume info and forums dont have any info on the edelbrock victor jr intake efi for the 4.6 2v. the factory intake manifold is 9.20l. If i were to decrease the manifold volume to 3.50 what other factors need to be adjusted? Im also getting alot more vacuum than before is that adjustable or manifold volume will acoount for that? I uploaded it to the car and noticed smoother idle alot more rich than before. it definitely idles smoother still lots of vacuum. Ill post the file i used and some logs i have
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  2. #2
    Tuner in Training
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    alrght few observations for any one that wants to be helpful. with the volume adjusted to 3.5 car daily drives beautiful no more bogging out when it changes gears drive almost like oem . wot rich 10.99-12.5 driving it stayed at 14.3 sometimes would go to 15.7 idle runs rich 10.99-13.1 when in drive when in park 14.0-15.3 i get less vacuum but still more than it should have can hear it less than before i made some changes to the idle airflow and when revving it t will drop fast instead of lingering around 1k then dropping off. new changes made the car go into ol fault running rich at idle 11.1 when driving 13.0-14.5 car does have headers exhaust intake manifold
    (which im trying to tune)fuel pump few other odds and ends heres some logs driving to work and files ive used
    any help is appreciated just want to get it driving like it should
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  3. #3
    Tuner in Training
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    so much for support huh. if your not driving a common vehicle(mustang,tahoe,suburban,etc) you get no support diy or paid . so im posting to myself to help those that are stuck like me. so some observations to myself. emissions is on, egr is on, but no check engine lights? just adjust airflow parameters and manifold volume parameters. drives lots better air fuel are pretty close to each other and only running rich on sart up and wot cruising will be at 13.5-15.5 depending on throttle input. 300 miles on this revision and no check lights. just have to figure out how to even out the idle. some times on transition ill go lean then itll adjust and go back 14.0. but all in all i got a base for the edelbrock intake manifold and shorty headers. still have alot of vacuum not sure if i should adjust manifold volume to 3.00 or lower. guess ill have to try it. going to try the maf tuning i saw on here see if it gives me something to work with .. thanx for the input!!!

  4. #4
    i'm not very familiar with this platform but i want to learn to, could you and the wide band to the channels ? that would be awesome if you could i made a channel list for this
    i'm not sure how the manifold volume affects the tune but i know the MAF will probably have to be dial'd in

    2009 CVPI.Channels.xml

  5. #5
    Tuner in Training
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    i have an aem wideband need to get the adapter to hook it up to the laptop

  6. #6
    if you get the chance make a log with those channels, maybe i can find something

  7. #7
    Tuner in Training
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    going to try tomorrow scanner isnt picking them up for some reason nvm i got it ill get a log on my way to work
    Last edited by PedroV915; 2 Weeks Ago at 02:47 AM.

  8. #8
    Tuner in Training
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    May 2023
    this is a log i did on my way to work. knock sensors have high readings like that 200v plus?
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  9. #9
    the STFT did not register

    made and adjustment on the MAF based on the LTFT, just be careful on WOT watch the afr

    yeah no idea how the knock sensors work on these
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  10. #10
    Tuner in Training
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    did a log for idle on first startup on that revision get off in an hr for a driving log
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  11. #11
    Tuner in Training
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    alright here a little cruise and wot airfuel looks alot better at idle and drive along with decel but pending check engine light for bank 2 stuck rich ill see if tomorrow on the drive to work itll clear out just pending right now. Wot was alot better started at 11.0 then gradually worked itself to 14.0
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  12. #12
    got a bit busy last few days, try these channels to se if we can get the STFT to work, can you tell me at what RPM the AFR was at WOT. Does the car have a Flex fuel sensor ? there is something weird going on at wot
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  13. #13
    Tuner in Training
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    got the car from auction its an 07 but when i plug in forscan it reads as an 09 ecu. ecu was switched probably when it was in service. i called ford and they said itll run e85 only difference is ecu. you think its the o2s i know the o2s differ? injectors fuel pump and o2s are the only difference on the flex fuel cars

  14. #14
    yeah, the commanded AFR went to 14 at WOT in thinking if the Flex fuel might be altering the fueling maybe we should turn it of and see if the AFR hold at 12 at WOT

  15. #15
    Tuner in Training
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    yea can try pretty sure it doesnt have the flexfuel o2 sensors ordering some just in case it does have a 400lph fuel pump though not sure if thatll make a difference

  16. #16
    Tuner in Training
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    dug a little deeper and i believe i need the rear o2 sensors these cars dont use a flex fuel sensor if i understand it correctly the rears determine the fuel change so disable flex fuel and see how it drives still adding the rears to plug them in later after testing

  17. #17
    Tuner in Training
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    Oct 2024
    I never did response to your intake volume problem, but why don’t you take it off, fill it with water and measure how much water is in the intake manifold. That should give you your volume.

  18. #18
    Tuner in Training
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    May 2023
    that was my last resort have a intake manifold spacer i wanted to install. the transmission blew on it so ill get the car back in a few days with a new transmission