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Thread: why such a difference?

  1. #1
    Tuner in Training
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    why such a difference?

    looking to try and get my yukon to shift better and get off the line with a bit more pep. it seems like an actual dog compared to my truck. looking at the shift times and torque management, its commanding much lower shift times and and the torque factor adders are very different in the Silverado VS the Yukon .
    wondering how come?
    with it being a stock GM file, would this be a fair starting point to follow to get to tank (yukon) to liven up

    info on the trucks

    2007 yukon denali 6.2 awd 6l80 motors got a small build - i know a converter would make a world of difference

    2009 silverado 5.3 6l80 4x4 - bone stock file
    both are 3.42 gears with OEM tire sizes
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  2. #2
    Your yukon file doesn't look stock.. (comparing it to a couple repository files, which do match each other)
    Your 6-5, 5-4, 4-3 downshifts look reduced, making it lazier to downshift.

    I'd try and use a 6.2 tune instead of a 5.3 tune.
    2009 escalade and 2012 yukon are both in the repository.
    ..and the later tunes look more aggressive and refined..

    Don't know what you can do about off the line though..

  3. #3
    Tuner in Training
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikez71 View Post
    Your yukon file doesn't look stock.. (comparing it to a couple repository files, which do match each other)
    Your 6-5, 5-4, 4-3 downshifts look reduced, making it lazier to downshift.

    I'd try and use a 6.2 tune instead of a 5.3 tune.
    2009 escalade and 2012 yukon are both in the repository.
    ..and the later tunes look more aggressive and refined..

    Don't know what you can do about off the line though..
    ill have to check out the repository, didnt even think of that.

    lazier to down shift - as in it will hold onto the gear longer? or it will shift slow? - sorry have yet to have my coffee yet

    as for off the line - it feels like the truck is holding it self back - pulling power and i was wondering if thats due to the torque management differences? - ill compare it to a stock 6.2 file
    like if i punch it from a dead stop it feels like its being care full , if i have any speed registered, like rolling at 2-5mph and nail it, it is a word of difference

  4. #4
    I mean you have to press on the gas more for it to downshift.
    You need to hit ~90% throttle at 40mph to do a 4-3 downshift vs ~70% throttle in the factory tune.

    If rolling in 1st gear is slower, it's probably something in the engine tune since you're not shifting.

  5. #5
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    could having those vales higher effect/ skew when it goes into power enrichment?

  6. #6
    Not in 1st gear. And I don't think it would affect PE much or negatively, in the other gears...
    -BUT- I'm not really the one you want to ask about all that.

    I only noticed your tune is not stock, and stock looks better to me.. and later tunes look more better.
    If you look, I'm sure you'll see the difference as far as shift schedules..
    Last edited by mikez71; 2 Weeks Ago at 08:43 PM.

  7. #7
    Tuner in Training
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    this would be the trans/general/down shift max speed?

  8. #8
    trans -> shift scheduling -> part throttle shift -> normal

  9. #9
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    These 6L80s don’t need much to get them shifting pretty good and you can use the bluecat tool to get the shift scheduling pretty dailed in. Also check out silversurfers videos on YouTube.

    As far as getting it feel better off the line, I think it’s on the engine side of the tune. Something like burst knock or Pedal Torque settings.

  10. #10
    Senior Tuner 04silverado6.0's Avatar
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    You can try this file. I used the bluecat tool for shift points. I set the shift times to 0 and used the torque adder tables to set the desired shift time. The inertia adder tables can be set to 0 if needed. Later calibrations only use the torque adder table so i find it easier to use the 1 table set vs doing math.
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  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by LTZCrew View Post

    info on the trucks

    2007 yukon denali 6.2 awd 6l80 motors got a small build
    What is the "small build" lots of people choosing the wrong truck cam lately.
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  12. #12
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    thank you 04Silverado, ill give that a go! i was trying to get blucat to work but ran out of time trying to sort it out

    Alvin, this would be a very border limit of a "truck" cam, lil build is

    6.2 ,over bore .010, dropped compression to 9.8:1 218/227 @112LSA .600

  13. #13
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    Yeah that is the problem. That is far too much cam for this setup. It will feel weaker until 4000+ rpm.

    Headers would help if it doesn't have them already.
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  14. #14
    Senior Tuner 04silverado6.0's Avatar
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    I just tuned a 2012 silverado 6.2, btr stage 3 v2 truck cam on stock converter. Thing ran and drove awesome. Had plenty of torque with the power starting to fall off by 6000 rpm. Didnt have to worry about low end torque in the truck since the tires were spinning through first. Thats going to be really equivalent to a stage 1-2 truck cam in what would be a 4.8 or 5.3.

  15. #15
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    got headers and have a charger waiting in the wings once i this kinda stuff gets sorted - feel like there is less chance of me blowing something up or hurting it well its N/A

    i guess my main question on the feeling like a dog issues would be if the torque management would very depending if it sees a registered vehicle speed - hence the dead stop VS rolling difference in response

    i was looking at a bunch of the SUV and truck tunes in the repository and it looks like the truck dont have as much TM as the AWD SUV, im guessing its for just that reason - hurting something
    Last edited by LTZCrew; 2 Weeks Ago at 10:57 AM.

  16. #16
    Senior Tuner 04silverado6.0's Avatar
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    You can disable brake torque management by maxing the torque values in the table. Stall tm can be disabled in the trans tab. Not on the laptop but if you have axle hop or wheel hop tm it can be disabled as well.

  17. #17
    Tuner in Training
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    ill give that a go and see how it does, with the updated shift speeds it feels way better under normal driving, no more holding a gear for dear life then kicking down and going nuts . thank you