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Thread: How to License a PCM using MPVI1

  1. #1
    HP Tuners Support
    Bill@HPTuners's Avatar
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    Jun 2004
    Hailing from Parts Unknown

    Question How to License a PCM using MPVI1

    How many credits will I use reading my pcm?

    It does not use any credit simply doing a read on ANY supported VCM. You can then open, view & even compare that file to other files. The great thing about this is now you don't have to license a specific file if you care not to but will help both you the end user & us develop product quicker since you'll be able to read files without needing credits from us to do so. You can license a file at ANY time by simply opening it and clicking the license options tab as shown here or just open & view the file by clicking "No Thanks".

    Its always recommended to simply read the pcm as it sits and license that file that you read from the pcm.

    How many extra credits over the initial vcm or year/model license does it cost to license a 2 or 3 bar custom operating system?

    As long as you are running 2.24.648 or newer it won't cost you any credits! Make sure you update as we will not issue replacement credits for licensing with a previous version.

    Do I need to be connected to the internet to license a file?


    How many extra credits do I have to use to add Real Time Tuning to my custom Operating system?

    None. Real Time Tuning comes with most 99+ls1 based custom operating systems. As long as the custom operating system has (RTT) next to it that means its already included free of charge as shown here

    After I initially license a file you've read off a VCM do I have to use more credits to write that file to that VCM?

    No, once you've licensed the file to your MPVI hardware its there locked into the hardware awaiting your command. You should NEVER have to license that serial number AGAIN! If VCM Suite ever asks you to license the file again for some reason & your not sure why, STOP, do not license it & contact support at hptuners dot com with an infolog & the file its asking you to license and us figure it out before you use any more credits. Its much easier for us to fix things before they are broken

    Thankfully when if it ever does ask you to license something this warning will come up

    "Please select your choice carefully as this action cannot be undone"

    "The credits used will no longer be available for future use"

    "If you have any questions please read the help files & contact customer support"

    I cannot stress it enough how important it is for you to contact support BEFORE you make a decision your not sure of.
    Last edited by Bill@HPTuners; 06-01-2014 at 06:11 PM.
    You can open a support ticket here