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Thread: Do not use a power inverter!

  1. #1
    HP Tuners Support
    Bill@HPTuners's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Hailing from Parts Unknown

    Exclamation Do not use a power inverter!

    It is NOT recommended to use a power inverter with our product as some of the cheaper inverters can create an overcurrent issue which can potentially fry your interface beyond repair.

    I will try to list the worst offenders here as we find them but just consider them all off limits.

    We recommend you using a FULLY charge laptop for scanning, editing & flashing to avoid risking your expensive interface as repairs for damage caused by an inverter is NOT covered under our warranty.

    You can open a support ticket here

  2. #2
    Senior Tuner
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Central Florida
    I fried the serial port on my IBM laptop through the
    old style interface, using an inverter. The interface
    worked afterward but the laptop port did not. The
    problem came about when I was working on a truck
    that had a very low idle system voltage - the inverter
    began to "flicker" in and out of undervoltage cutout
    and bounced the ground hard enough to hose the

    The one in question was "Vector" brand, one of the
    kind you plug into the cig lighter. 75W I think.

    I have since used the same one in my car numerous
    times without issue, because my system voltage is
    13V+ (truck was barely holding 10V). Serial and USB.
    But I use battery when I can, just from the experience.

    I think I'm well out of warranty. If you are covered,
    take the advice.