When you are looking to edit the data directly on your 3D surface map (spark for example), there are a few tricks you can do to get to the areas you can't see.

The 3D surface map have a tilt, rotate, move and zoom feature.

These are accessible by special mouse and keyboard functions.

For those of you with a scroll wheel mouse, hold the wheel down until it clicks. The surface map will then become an outline box. While holding the wheel down, move your mouse around to rotate the box in any direction you desire. Let go of the wheel and the surface map will reappear.

If you do not have a wheel mouse, hold down the left and right click button simultaneously.

Holding down the shift key while doing the
fore mentioned, the box will move on an x or y axis.

Holding down the control key will enable the zoom feature.

To edit on the 3D surface table move the mouse pointer to the part of the table you wish to change. Left click with the mouse and drag your data up and down. This is a useful feature when you are trying to create a seamless spark curve.

You can view the history of the changes you made by switching back to the table editor. Any changes you made will be highlighted.

Happy tuning,
