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Thread: "flash Disabled" Error??

  1. #1
    Potential Tuner
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Salem, Oregon

    "flash Disabled" Error??

    I've been street tuning a vehicle for the past week....flashing the PCM without problems....until last night.

    Vehicle details
    -"411" PCM with 2002 Camaro OS
    -Vin changed to match 2001 Mazda Miata (I've been using "write calibration" ONLY for tuning purposes). I sent my HPT cable and PCM out to have someone do the vin swap for me in my PCM, and was told to NEVER do a write I have not.
    -HP Tuners Beta version 2.23.248 ---- I have reinstalled HP Tuners as well, thinking that it might have been a possible luck.

    The problem

    Last night, I went to open the latest tune file that I've been working on, and got an "Unable to open file. File failed validation check." error. I suspected that the file had somehow been corrupted, and did not want to lose all of the work that I had done to the tune as the only backup tune file that I had was from 5 days previous (which still shows as a working/valid file when I open up the VCM Editor). I decided that the solution might be to do a "read entire" on the car in an attempt to view the current VE table. My thinking was that if I could simply view the current VE table, I could then manually transpose the current values back into my working/backup tune file from 5 days previous.

    When I went to perform a "read entire", everything progressed as expected....until the last 5% left on the reading. I then got an error that told me something to the effect that "flashing has been disabled". So now, I can only data log the car, but cannot perform a "read entire". I am still able to view my tune file from 5 days ago, but can not flash it via "write calibration only" to the car either.

    What are my options?

    I've attached BOTH the suspected "corrupt" tune file, as well as my valid backup tune file.
    Last edited by salemetro; 05-22-2012 at 02:18 PM.

  2. #2
    HP Tuners Support
    Bill@HPTuners's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Hailing from Parts Unknown
    sounds like whoever modified your vin number did a crappy job and corrupted your pcm to me.
    It doesn't have to be perfect, it just needs to be done in two weeks...

    A wise man once said "google it"

  3. #3
    the corrupt file is indeed corrupted. The operating system code is corrupted near the end of the flash. The checksum is bad also.

    And BTW, your VIN is a normal camaro VIN.
    I count sheep in hex...