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Thread: LSJ Case learn / Brake signal

  1. #1
    Potential Tuner
    Join Date
    Mar 2012

    LSJ Case learn / Brake signal

    LSJ swap into an offroad race truck. Brake signal shows always on with snap-on scan tool. I've tried grounding Pin 46 in connector 1 on the PCM but it makes no difference. Will it do a relearn if the brake signal is always on or does it have to be applied after the ign cycle.
    I see that C1 pin 32 is a stop lamp supply voltage / stop lamp switch signal. Is that the pin I need to ground or supply voltage? If supply is req'd is it 5v or 12v?
    When I attempt to relearn it just revs all the way to 6200, not the 4-5k it's supposed to bounce at.
    Tried it with Snap-on MT2500 and Tech II.
    I also don't see a neutral / park signal in the PCM connector end description. Is that also a requirement?
    I'm sick of my PCM not controlling my fans and them blowing all the time!

  2. #2
    Stop lamp switch is indeed C1-31 and from the ECM scheme it should need a +12v signal to activate.
    I drive with a swapped LSJ too and the fan temp control is something tricky. And in addition to that, once activated the ecm needs to see the car moving (VSS sensor) to switch off again, otherwise it still thinks you're standing still in a traffic jam...