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Thread: Writeup for logging AFR though Serial port?

  1. #1
    Potential Tuner
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    Writeup for logging AFR though Serial port?

    I have a headache from searching. Is there anything out there for the noobs?

  2. #2
    Tuning Addict 5FDP's Avatar
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    Rogers, MN

    These are some of the currect write ups, maybe it's there.
    2016 Silverado CCSB 5.3/6L80e, not as slow but still heavy.

    If you don't post your tune and logs when you have questions you aren't helping yourself.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Raleigh, NC
    Not a whole lot to write up on this one..

    Right click in channels list, hit add channel. At the bottom of the list (under external inputs) you'll see "serial port". Find your WB and unit in the list.. double click it, and you're done.

    Connect WB to serial port and Scanner will automatically figure out what port it's on, no config needed

    Serial inputs are a bit hit or miss.. seems the AEM one works pretty well, Innovate is hit or miss last time I tried.

    If the channel disappears or is blank when you start logging then it isn't working, either from not being connected properly or from the WB manufacturer not following their own serial standards

  4. #4
    Advanced Tuner
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    Quote Originally Posted by schpenxel View Post
    Not a whole lot to write up on this one..

    Right click in channels list, hit add channel. At the bottom of the list (under external inputs) you'll see "serial port". Find your WB and unit in the list.. double click it, and you're done.

    Connect WB to serial port and Scanner will automatically figure out what port it's on, no config needed

    Serial inputs are a bit hit or miss.. seems the AEM one works pretty well, Innovate is hit or miss last time I tried.

    If the channel disappears or is blank when you start logging then it isn't working, either from not being connected properly or from the WB manufacturer not following their own serial standards
    I am using a Zeitronix ZT2 that is not supported by HP Tuners for serial logging.
    I have an arduino setup to read the zeitronix, and can then convert it to output any string i would like.
    In this case i want to output it in the format HP tuners is expecting from the supported devices.

    Any chance you know what standard any of the supported devices use? I have searched and can't find any info, and from playing around so far have not had luck.

  5. #5
    Senior Tuner mowton's Avatar
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    Data protocol should be defined in their users manual...

    i.e Innovate ... or AEM ....

    Ed M
    2004 Vette Coupe, LS2, MN6, Vararam, ARH/CATs, Ti's, 4:10, Trickflow 215, 30# SVO, Vette Doctors Cam, Fast 90/90, DD McLeod, DTE Brace, Hurst shifter, Bilsteins etc. 480/430

    ERM Performance Tuning -- Interactive Learning ..from tuning software training to custom tunes
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  6. #6
    Advanced Tuner
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    Quote Originally Posted by mowton View Post
    Data protocol should be defined in their users manual...

    i.e Innovate ... or AEM ....

    Ed M
    Thankyou for that. For some reason i thought i looked at the AEM manual but didnt see that info.
    Based on the fact the AEM unit only outputs the AFR, i figured i would go with that.

    from the manual >
    The format is simply the value followed by a
    carriage return and line feed, e.g. "14.7\r\n"

    which is how I have set the arduino to output, but for some reason still not clicking with the scanner.
    I am sleepy, so will need to have a look tomorrow. I am sure it is something silly.

  7. #7
    Senior Tuner mowton's Avatar
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    Perhaps the info in the 4110 manual is better. Sorry it didn't copy and paste the best :-) Google the maunal for a better look...

    Serial OutputThe serial output can be used for data logging when an EFI system is not accessible. To run thedata stream, a RS-232 (DB-9) Female Receptacle shall be purchased.123456789Figure 5. Wire View of RS-232 (DB-9) Male PlugTwo wires need to be connected to a RS-232 serial port. The BLUE wire from the AEM UEGOGauge shall be connected to Pin #2 (RX) on the serial port for receiving data. Pin # 5 (GND) onthe serial port shall be grounded. If a standard 9-pin serial cable is to be cut instead, the (RX)wire is typically RED and the (GND) wire is typically GREEN. However, this should be confirmedwith a continuity tester before attempting. (Figure 5)Use HyperTerminal for testing the data stream. This software is found on most PCs prior toWindows 7; other operating systems will require locating alternative terminal software such asTeraTerm or RealTerm. To find HyperTerminal go to: Start | All Programs | Accessories |Communications | HyperTerminal. Name the New Connection and click OK. Set the COM portto the one being used and click OK.Bits per Second = 9600Data Bits = 8Parity = NoneStop Bits = 1Flow Control = Hardware Page 9Verify the settings above and click OK. When power is supplied to the AEM UEGO Gauge, AFR(or Lambda) data will be displayed, as shown below. (Figure 6)

    Ed M
    2004 Vette Coupe, LS2, MN6, Vararam, ARH/CATs, Ti's, 4:10, Trickflow 215, 30# SVO, Vette Doctors Cam, Fast 90/90, DD McLeod, DTE Brace, Hurst shifter, Bilsteins etc. 480/430

    ERM Performance Tuning -- Interactive Learning ..from tuning software training to custom tunes
    HP Tuners Dealer- VCM Suite (free 2hr training session with purchase), credits and new Version 2.0 turtorial available

    [email protected]

  8. #8
    Advanced Tuner
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    Hi Ed,
    What you initially linked was definitely helpful!
    The innovate obvioulsy has more functionality, as does the Zeitronix zt-2, making the serial stream more complicated as a result.
    Luckily the AEM is only outputting afr data , which makes it far easier to replicate.

    i think my issue yesterday was the fact i was using the arduino serial monitor to view the stream, and that was impacting the scanner from being able to connect.

    so, to update the thread, I did it! I have a MAX232 serial to ttl converter taking the data stream from the zeitronix to the arduino , then the arduino converting that to the format expected by the HP tuners scanner.
    Works great.
    the Zeitronix seems to have logged at up to 0.1 leaner than the serial data stream around stoich, and showing richer when leaner. I haven't driven the car, just a quick start and see what happened.
    As we know a voltage can be interfered with, however a data stream cant.

    if anyone is after the code i am happy to share it, even though it would be worth $1000 bucks due to my time wasted!

  9. #9
    Potential Tuner
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    That's all good but how would I add a second serial wb sensor? After all, I've got 2 banks?

  10. #10
    Potential Tuner
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    I have a lm2, my innovate software is logging this on the pc so the usb is connecting, but when I add the only innovate serial option in hptuners I get nothing. Do I understand that I'm just hosed then for getting it to scan in hptuners?

  11. #11
    Tuner in Training
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    Quote Originally Posted by schpenxel View Post
    Not a whole lot to write up on this one..

    Right click in channels list, hit add channel. At the bottom of the list (under external inputs) you'll see "serial port". Find your WB and unit in the list.. double click it, and you're done.

    Connect WB to serial port and Scanner will automatically figure out what port it's on, no config needed

    Serial inputs are a bit hit or miss.. seems the AEM one works pretty well, Innovate is hit or miss last time I tried.

    If the channel disappears or is blank when you start logging then it isn't working, either from not being connected properly or from the WB manufacturer not following their own serial standards
    So if I connect the serial output of my AEM wideband to a serial/usb connector and plug it into my laptop, the HP Tuners software will look for it and find it if I select it in the channels list?

  12. #12
    I have been setting up my LM2 to communicate with HP scanner via serial, it works sometimes but not all the time so far, but only appears to log channel 1, is there a way to get it to log channel 2?

  13. #13
    Potential Tuner
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    I'm very interested in seeing the Arduino code.
    How does logger know which serial port to use?

  14. #14
    Tuner in Training
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    Okay guys. I just posted this question on another thread, I just found this thread. It's taking hours, but I've tried three and of eight devices and an AEM device, I can get the device to log as a serial device, I've changed all the settings, I finally have settled on a new adapter, I've been using Trip light USA 19 HS adapter for as long as I can remember, the best I can do with communicating using a serial wideband is to restart the software, then connect to vehicle and start recording. It only happens the first time and it works perfect every time, once you stop logging, you cannot restart logging. You have to turn off the scanner program. Restart the program and then it will log again, this has been a problem for years, does anybody actually have a working wideband to serial port set up that you can share with the group?