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Thread: Speed graph - lap comparision

  1. #1
    Potential Tuner
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    Oct 2017

    Speed graph - lap comparision

    Hello, I would like to make a 2d graph where I can plot and compare 2 laps (the best lap vs the current lap).
    I am trying to do it with 2 graph, (one over the other) and choosing fixed as the gaph mode, and I can choose one fixed lap in one graph (which would be the best lap) but i cannot choose the current lap which is syncronized with the video, in the other graph, I can only choose ploting all laps or a fixed lap.

    Is there any way to do a comparision graph like that?


  2. #2
    Advanced Tuner
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    Dual Data Compare template

    It doesn't look like there's a way to choose a specific lap within the Graph itself, but you could use a second input file synchronized to the start of the lap.

    It's a little easier in autocross where I only deal with a single lap at a time, but you could line up the same input file multiple times (i.e. at the start of each lap). Check out the "Dual Data Compare" template for an example of exactly what you describe.

  3. #3
    Potential Tuner
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    I'd love to have the graph show just the current lap, automatically redrawing when I cross start/finish. I plot speed and X acceleration to show how smooth/not smooth I am and when I'm getting off the brakes and on the gas. I use two graphs superimposed to do this.

    It looks like the only choices are either the whole session or a specific lap. Whole-session views aren't useful because there's not enough detail. One-lap data is far more useful by comparison.

    The software knows which lap you're on and can graph any given lap. This should be a simple addition to the graph menu. PS anyone notice that if you choose the "braking" track map you get the option to show all, show a given lap or show the best lap....but you can't do this with the graph object?

    Last edited by adouglas; 08-15-2020 at 11:19 AM.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by adouglas View Post
    I'd love to have the graph show just the current lap, automatically redrawing when I cross start/finish. I plot speed and X acceleration to show how smooth/not smooth I am and when I'm getting off the brakes and on the gas. I use two graphs superimposed to do this.

    It looks like the only choices are either the whole session or a specific lap. Whole-session views aren't useful because there's not enough detail. One-lap data is far more useful by comparison.

    The software knows which lap you're on and can graph any given lap. This should be a simple addition to the graph menu. PS anyone notice that if you choose the "braking" track map you get the option to show all, show a given lap or show the best lap....but you can't do this with the graph object?

    It would be nice if there was a "Current Lap" option. You could mimic this by:
    1. Open your Lap List
    2. Click on Lap 1 (to fast forward/reverse you to the start of Lap 1)
    3. Open the first graph object
    4. Click the Add button at the top
    5. Select Lap 1 in the Plot a Specific Lap dropdown
    6. Open the second graph object and perform the same steps
    7. Click on Lap 2 (to fast forward to Lap 2)
    8. Repeat the steps to Add another timeline segment at the start of Lap 2 which plots Lap 2 for each graph
    9. Repeat for all laps

    It's a little more intensive this way, but at least possible. Be sure to perform any overall changes to the graphs prior to adding all the timeline segments though, or you'll need to make the corresponding change to all segments (any change made to a specific segment only lasts for that particular segment and does not carry over to other segments; which is why you can change the plotted lap each time).

    It is a little strange that the Graph object doesn't allow showing the best lap automatically like the track map would, but I think we generally already know which is our best anyway; so it would just always be duplicating one of the other choices in the dropdown.

  5. #5
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    Going to try your suggestion but I have a question: Won't that just show all the laps superimposed on one another? The video I posted shows one lap being tracked. What it doesn't show is that the plot doesn't go away when not on that lap... the pointer just stops moving.

    By repeatedly adding graph objects for specific laps, each lap would be shown... but so would all the others, making the whole thing unreadable. Or am I missing something?

    Quote Originally Posted by HoboBob View Post
    It would be nice if there was a "Current Lap" option. You could mimic this by:
    1. Open your Lap List
    2. Click on Lap 1 (to fast forward/reverse you to the start of Lap 1)
    3. Open the first graph object
    4. Click the Add button at the top
    5. Select Lap 1 in the Plot a Specific Lap dropdown
    6. Open the second graph object and perform the same steps
    7. Click on Lap 2 (to fast forward to Lap 2)
    8. Repeat the steps to Add another timeline segment at the start of Lap 2 which plots Lap 2 for each graph
    9. Repeat for all laps

    It's a little more intensive this way, but at least possible. Be sure to perform any overall changes to the graphs prior to adding all the timeline segments though, or you'll need to make the corresponding change to all segments (any change made to a specific segment only lasts for that particular segment and does not carry over to other segments; which is why you can change the plotted lap each time).

    It is a little strange that the Graph object doesn't allow showing the best lap automatically like the track map would, but I think we generally already know which is our best anyway; so it would just always be duplicating one of the other choices in the dropdown.

  6. #6
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    Hang on... maybe I'm misunderstanding. Are you saying I just have the same pair of graph objects (speed and accel/decel) and somehow the steps you outlined link the object input to the selected lap?

    In other words, I'm not adding new graph objects for each lap?

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by adouglas View Post
    Hang on... maybe I'm misunderstanding. Are you saying I just have the same pair of graph objects (speed and accel/decel) and somehow the steps you outlined link the object input to the selected lap?

    In other words, I'm not adding new graph objects for each lap?
    Correct. You only need the pair of graphs that you already have. You would just be adding new timeline segments for those two Display Objects (which allows you to change individual settings of the Display Object for a certain period of time). The Add button is in the upper right of the Display Object Properties.


  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by HoboBob View Post
    Correct. You only need the pair of graphs that you already have. You would just be adding new timeline segments for those two Display Objects (which allows you to change individual settings of the Display Object for a certain period of time). The Add button is in the upper right of the Display Object Properties.

    Well that's pretty freakin' awesome. Thank you! Now I just need to find the time to do it.

    Follow-up question:

    To simplify my life, I use the same project file over and over and just change the input files and re-sync the data. Will the timeline data in the graph objects also re-sync, or would I have to do that manually? No big deal.. strikes me as simple but repetitive.

  9. #9
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    Okay, so I finally got this to work, kind of... and I found that additional steps were needed.

    1) Add segments from the timeline as you noted.

    This didn't result in the expected display behavior.

    2) This is new... you have to manually tell it the start time and duration of each segment. So you select the time segment from the drop-down at top, then do the math to get how many seconds since the start and the number of seconds the lap lasts, then enter them into the boxes.
    3) Do this for each lap.
    4) Repeat everything for each trace.

    Wrinkle: The data file starts at a different place from the video, so if you don't accurately trim and align everything to begin with you need to work out the offset.

    This is pretty bloody labor-intensive, actually.

    Screen Shot 2020-08-19 at 7.36.27 PM.png

  10. #10
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    That's unfortunate. I would have thought that starting at the beginning and selecting the lap from the lap list would have essentially done the math for you and taken you to the exact point where the next lap started. Perhaps the laps aren't properly aligned? Maybe there's some Lap 0 time that needs to be added to align the start of the first lap with when you actually cross the start/finish? Your lap timer in the top left seems to be correct though; so I'm not sure why clicking on each lap wouldn't have taken you to the correct point in time where that lap starts, and then clicking Add followed by clicking the "Plot a Specific Lap" and selecting the next lap should automatically calculate that Start Time/Length (i.e. you shouldn't need to calculate the start/finish for each lap in the graph). Clicking Add to create a new Timeline Segment should automatically switch to the new segment; but you can revert back to the previous one with the dropdown next to Time (you're probably familiar with that at this point though).

    To answer your follow up question: no, there isn't a way to have it automatically detect the next lap via Template and add Timeline Segments appropriately (unless @Weston were to add a "Current Lap" option in the Plot a Specific Lap dropdown; though I suspect that dropdown is really just a shortcut to automatically fill in a Start Time/Length rather than something that can change dynamically).

    If you aren't married to the idea of a fixed graph per lap and want something far less labor-intensive, perhaps a "Centered Timespan" Graph Mode could work almost as well? You could set the Timespan to approximately a full lap (e.g. 130 seconds), or perhaps just 30 seconds or so to really focus on what's happening at this particular moment. That would remove the need to change anything about the graph or to add any Timeline Segments which would honestly be WAY less work here. That could easily be saved in a template where the individual lap time segments are not.

    On the graph placement: I personally prefer a graph that has a Transparency (option at the bottom of the Display Object Properties) of 5-10 so that you can still easily see what's going on in the graph, but that it overlays well on top of the actual video such that you can still see some of what's underneath it (which would allow you to full screen your video instead of resizing it to a quarter of the screen). You might prefer what you have better since it has a clearer focus on the data rather than the video. It just depends on what you want to focus on: video vs data.