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Thread: Driver Demand - Pedal Ratio (Automatic)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2019
    New Jersey

    Driver Demand - Pedal Ratio (Automatic)

    Hey All,

    I have been looking for a while now, but does anyone have any insight on how the pedal map ratio actually cooresponds to requested torque? I understand it uses OSS, but what I don't understand is how that coorelates to a requested torque value.

    For example, if my logs are showing that I am at 3,600 Trans Output Shaft Speed in 5th gear (1.52 gear ratio on 10r80), that would coorespond to a stock pedal ratio of 1.75 at WOT.

    This is where I am confused, if I look at it as 3600 OSS * 1.52 = 5472 (which is about the RPM i see on my log in that gear) would that mean i then look at the Driver Demand table for that area? Would I then multiply that by the pedal ratio? 475(DD) * 1.75(ratio) = 831.25 and that DEFINTELY does not seem right.

    Please help my dumb brain understand this.

    TLDR - With my Driver Demand requesting 475tq @ WOT what is my actual REQUESTED number being thrown into the Torque Modeling?

    Notes - OSS is at 3600 in 5th gear (1.52 gear ratio) and Pedal Map Ratio is 1.75 WOT at that same "OSS"

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2020
    toledo ohio
    i'm not sure exactly how it works either, i think it limits torque at certain speeds. i dont know exactly how everything is calculated tho. i just take the highest number in the table and put that number at the right end of the table at all oss speeds at wide open throttle

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2019
    New Jersey
    Bumping this - At this point so i dont blow my truck up and as for to much torque ahaha.

    Anyone else ever figure this calculation out?

  4. #4
    Advanced Tuner
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    As you increase the pedal percentage your are using, That will line up with a multiplier on the pedal map ratio. That multiplier corresponds with the torque request on the drier demand table. 44%=1.25 pedal ratio which = 275ftlb driver demand * 1.25=343.75 Scheduled tq. At least thats how it works on my 2020 eco mustang

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2019
    New Jersey
    Hmm yeah thats what I thought the calculation was.. but if you see my original post - i use the same calc and that would give me some stupid high number in like the 800s, i def dont see that in my logs.

  6. #6
    Advanced Tuner
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    Post your tune file, It may be different than mine