Potential Tuner
Connecting to stand alone KMS system with OBD2
Hi all,
I am new here, not sure if this is the right spot, so thread could be moved.
I am running a KMS standalone motor management system on my racecar and would like to have the signals from this computer logged with Trackaddict.
Unfortunately, I can't read or see anything using the app. The ODB2 dongle works, in the daily I can read out the signals via the TrackAddict app.
I am guessing the app is looking for a VIN number and then loads the vendors dbc file to identify the CAN messages.
KMS should use the standardized CAN messages (I am looking for RPM, throttle % mainly and maybe some temps), but it doesn't have a VIN number obviously.
Is it possible to load a custom dbc file in the app? Or how can I connect the app to the KMS to log signals? Did anyone ever try with a stand alone management system?
Many thanks,
PS If there is an introduction section I am happy to introduce myself there?
Potential Tuner
The OBD dongle is not sending CAN signals, but OBD signals. They are different, so the dongle does not simply send CAN signals out because it can't.
I've bought an ECU MAster bluetooth module. This module sends the CAN data from the KMS directly over bluetooth.
Now I've connected the device to my phone, and can select it in the Trackaddict app. However, the app doesn't read any signals. It tries to reconnect, and then again.
So I know the OBD function doesn't work, I am using
Input: Additional sensors.
But they are using the BDP protocol... which is also not CAN?
As there are many failures possible (device not sending, trackaddict not understanding, setting incorrect etc) the question here is if TrackAddict is able to read CAN messages directly?