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Thread: permanent Knock Retard ??

  1. #1

    Advancing Timing Despite Knock Retard

    On my cavalier Z24 with Superchanrger, i am still seeing KR under HEAVY ACCELL in WOT. like 100% tps.. 7psi / 140kPa....

    i seem to get this no mattter what fuel i am running... and no matter what the conditions.

    more interestingly.... i hooked hpt up to 2 of my friends cavy Z24's both stock... running 87 octane...

    they both show the EXACT same knock retards at the exact same places.

    so i just wonder is this just a cavy thing? and it isnt really knock, just some sensor error or something?

    I am trying to get my hands on some super high octane gas... like race fuel or someting. see if that effects it.

    also i copied my high octane chart to the low octane... and this didnt seem to change my knock either. i am about to do the reverse as well...

    but why would 3 different cars, completely different setups, and running different fuels, all show the same KR at the same places...
    Last edited by ksoggs; 04-11-2008 at 11:59 PM.

  2. #2
    Senior Tuner
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    San Antonio, TX
    Have you tried taking out timing in this specific location on the HIGH OCTANE/LOW OCTANE tables to see if it goes away or persists? I log the vehicle under load, watch the KR* pop up, pull over, adjust my octane tables. Rinse/Wash/Repeat until you have adjusted all knock out. Keep in mind it may not be the best thing for maximum power. This is just a way to get rid of it. You could also try adding more fuel in these areas. Honestly either of these ways are not the best way...just an option!

  3. #3

    timing around knock....

    now i am just curious.... is there an advantage to removing the timing manually in the tables? ir is it just as good to let the KR kill it for you?

    The way i see it, KR is kinda like "closed loop" for timing... if it gets unsafe, it automatically changes it for you till it is safe again.

    I notice that i seem to get knock no matter what at certain times. even running real retarded timing and high octane fuel....

    So i am not sure if i will ever get all the knock out...

    but i notice that 95% of the map, i can go crazy addding timing and i dont get any knock at all.... but there is that 5% where i get KR no matter what...

    So i was just thinking maybe i should just keep hiking the timing up till i get real knock... and then just set the KR to be able to take out a whole bunch of timing...

    like right now i have added over 6* in general... and on 91 oct i still am knock-less for 95%. so just thinking... and the other 5% i maybe hit 4% KR.. sometimes peaks to 6% quickly.

    So what if i add another 4* overall.... but also up the knock limit an equal amount... so bump it from 6 to 10... that way it can still drop it down to where it is now if needed....

    I just know my engine has more room for advance.... but i just worry about these few spots... but want to keep pushing the rest of it.

    what do you think?

    would this work? or is there a better way to do this?

  4. #4
    Advanced Tuner imphat0260's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by ksoggs
    what do you think?

    would this work? or is there a better way to do this?
    I think you should get it on a dyno so you can see if you are actually making or losing power... As for the knock you are seeing, I have seen quite a few Quads/Twin cams that get phantom knock.. What cells are you seeing this at? Are you at WOT when you are getting it?

    P&P Tuning