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Thread: Gps

  1. #1
    Potential Tuner
    Join Date
    Dec 2016


    Hello I'm new to racerander I want to know how to enter the data of my gps (garmin 60csx) to plot the route to which I want to follow. What variables should I take to reconnoiter the data.


  2. #2
    HPT Employee Weston@HPTuners's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    39.735034, -103.894459
    You will just need to obtain a data log file from your GPS device in a compatible format... In the case of Garmin devices, this would most likely be a .FIT, .TCX, or .GPX formatted file, any of which should work in RaceRender if it was recorded as track points with timestamps.

    Once you have successfully added a data file to your RaceRender project, it should offer you a menu of data layouts to choose from, and then a quick configuration screen to set it up to better fit your data. With basic GPS data, you will typically be able to plot your route on a track map, display your speed, and estimated G-force numbers. If your recording was at a racing circuit, then lap number and time information is also possible, and will often be calculated automatically.

    For any additional displays or data channels that might not be covered by the included templates, you can click on the "Add" button under the "Display Objects" section (near the bottom right of the main screen), choose the display type (ie Gauge, Bar Graph, Time Graph, Text Data, etc), then set the "Field" selection to choose the data channel you want to display, and finally click on the picture of the display style you want. The properties box that will appear can also be used to customize it further.