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Thread: VCM Editor Feature - User Defined Parameters

  1. #1
    HPT Employee Mark@HPTuners's Avatar
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    VCM Editor Feature - User Defined Parameters

    HP Tuners is proud to release a new VCM Editor feature starting in VCM Suite 3.5 beta and newer: User Defined Parameters.

    What are User Defined Parameters?
    If you have information on parameters (Switches, Scalars, and/or Tables) that we do not have defined currently in VCM Editor, you can now add them yourself and edit them right in VCM Editor immediately. All you need to do is define the parameters using TunerPro, save the TunerPro definition, and import the TunerPro definition right into the User Defined Parameters feature in VCM Editor. If you would like parameters added to VCM Editor permanently, you can still email support requesting they be added. Please Note: Not all controllers supported by VCM Suite support User Defined Parameters, please email Support for more information.

    How do I get to use the User Defined Parameters feature?
    The User Defined Parameters feature can be purchased by logging into your customer page and purchasing the one-time feature unlock for $169.99. After you purchase, you will be provided with a new application key. Once you receive the application key, simply enter it into VCM Suite and User Defined Parameters will be available for you to use.

    How do I define my own parameters for VCM Editor?
    If you have the necessary information on a parameter that you would like to define yourself, you can define and import your own parameters by doing the following:
    1. Define the Parameter(s) using TunerPro (To download TunerPro, visit: Download TunerPro)
    2. Save your .XDF file with the parameters you wish to import
    3. Open your .HPT file in VCM Editor
    4. Go to Edit -> User Defined Parameters
    5. Open the XDF File and your parameters will be imported into VCM Editor for editing.

    Please see the example TunerPro .XDF file posted below for an example of each parameter type:

    What are the "Allowed Addresses" in the User Defined Parameters window?
    The allowed addresses are address ranges that you are allowed to define parameters in. If you try to define a parameter outside these ranges, they will not import and you will not allowed to edit them.

    How do I define a Parameter?
    See Post Below.

    Is there documentation?
    Yes, found here

    Here is an example XDF File and HPT File to go with it. Do not license or attempt to flash the attached HPT File.

    TunerPro XDF File: 05035871AD_HPT_UserDef_Example.xdf
    VCM Editor HPT File: 05035871AD - 2014 Jeep Grand Cherokee 6.4L SRT8.hpt

    HP Tuners would like to thank Mark Mansur at TunerPro for his support and would encourage everyone to donate to TunerPro here: Donate to TunerPro or to purchase TunerPro RT for a $39 Donation at: Purchase TunerPro RT
    Last edited by Bill@HPTuners; 05-27-2022 at 10:52 AM.

  2. #2
    HPT Employee Mark@HPTuners's Avatar
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    How do I define a Parameter?
    If you have the proper information to be able to define a parameter, please see the following 3 examples for defining a switch, scalar, and table in TunerPro.

    To define a switch, insert a new Switch/Flag into your TunerPro definition and fill out the following fields with the appropriate information:
    • Name
    • Description (optional)
    • Address
    • Src Data Size
    • Bit Number

    Visibility Level and Categories will be ignored.


    To define a scalar, insert a new Scalar into your TunerPro definition and fill out the following fields with the appropriate information:
    • Name
    • Description (optional)
    • Address
    • Size
    • Signed, Floating Point, LSB flags
    • Stock Units
    • Low & High Ranges
    • Conversion Equation

    Visibility Level and Categories will be ignored.

    TunerProScalar.PNG TunerProScalarEquation.PNG

    To define a table, insert a new Table into your TunerPro definition and enter the appropriate information for the table, it's row axis, and it's column axis.
    Table Information:
    • Name
    • Description (optional)
    • Address
    • Size
    • Signed, Floating Point, LSB flags
    • Cell Units (optional)
    • Low & High Ranges
    • Conversion Equation

    Visibility Level and Categories will be ignored.

    TunerProTable.PNG TunerProTableConversion.PNG

    Row Axis Information:
    • Number of Rows
    • Stock Units
    • Label Source1
    • Address
    • Data Size
    • Address step
    • Signed, Floating Point, LSB flags
    • Conversion Equation

    TunerProTableRow.PNG TunerProTableRowConversion.PNG

    Column Axis Information:
    • Number of Rows
    • Stock Units
    • Label Source1
    • Address
    • Data Size
    • Address step
    • Signed, Floating Point, LSB flags
    • Conversion Equation

    TunerProTableColumn.PNG TunerProTableColumnConversion.PNG

    1 Only "External(Manual)", "Internal, Pure", and "Linked, Scale" are supported axis types at this time. "Linked, Normalized" axis types are not supported. Example images above are of type "Internal, Pure".
    Last edited by Mark@HPTuners; 05-23-2017 at 09:55 AM.

  3. #3
    HPT Employee Mark@HPTuners's Avatar
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    What if my definition requires a base offset?
    Some controllers require a base offset for all parameters. For example, if you define the parameter at address: 0x1ABCDE, however the location of the parameter is actually at 0x801ABCDE. This would require an offset of +0x80000000.

    To add a base offset to your entire definition
    1. Open your XDF in TunerPro
    2. Go to XDF -> View/Edit XDF Header Info
    3. Set your bin size2
    4. Set your base offset
    5. Click OK

    2When defining a TunerPro base offset to be used in VCM Editor, the bin size doesn't need to be the actual size of the binary. It just needs to be a larger value than the base offset value. The bin size will be ignored when imported into VCM Editor


    NOTE: For TunerPro V5.00.8944 or older, if you must define a base offset of 0x80000000 or higher you must edit the base offset manually in a text editor.(Notepad/Notepad++) To manually adjust the offset in a text editor:
    1. Open your .XDF file in the text editor
    2. Find the <baseoffset> field in the XDFHEADER (always near/at the top)
    3. Enter your new offset value in DECIMAL, not hexadecimal (Example for an offset of 0x80000000, enter 2147483648 into the baseoffset field)
    4. If the offset is negative, add a "-" before the offset (Example: -2147483648)
    5. Save your XDF

    Here is an example XDF File and HPT File that demonstrates base offsetting. Do not license or attempt to flash the attached HPT File.

    TunerPro XDF File: 12669774_Base_Offset.xdf
    HPT File: 12669774 - 2016 Chevy Silverado 2500HD 6.6L Diesel.hpt

    What units do I enter for tables?
    In the instances where there is no drop down selection for units (main table cells), you will need to enter a valid unit into the "Cell Units" text box.

    To find valid units for import:
    1. Open VCM Scanner
    2. Go to Tools -> Quantities & Units
    3. Copy the Symbol OR Name into the "Cell Units" box in TunerPro


    For all other parameter types (Scalars, Axis') that have an available "Stock Units" drop-down, please select your unit from the drop-down.
    Last edited by Mark@HPTuners; 05-23-2017 at 09:57 AM.