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Thread: spark reduced prior to entering p.e. mode

  1. #1

    spark reduced prior to entering p.e. mode

    This is a 2015 1Le with a LSA flewx fuel super charger on it. I have the gas side of this tune figured out and dialed in nicely, however when now when i fill it up with e-85 prior to entering p.e. mode it starts to reduce the timing to -1 before it goes back up. It does not do this when i run premium only on e-85. I tried putting the high spark table on the low spark table and no effect. Any ideas?? tune 33reducedspark prior to pe mode.hpltune 33reducedspark prior to pe mode.hpl
    2015 2ss 1LE Camaro with LSA conversion. stock pulleys 6lbs of boost. put down 530 r.w.h.p.

  2. #2
    Advanced Tuner
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    tune file?

  3. #3
    tune 33 15 l3 lsa transients and intake manifold.hpt

    Hi luke you have help me before in regards to get my tune dialed in on e-85. The kicker is I have other e-85 tunes that do not have this problem. I am still trying to get a all in one tune with e-85 and gas. sounds simple, but i am finding it harder to be than that. Here is a copy of my tune in progress..
    2015 2ss 1LE Camaro with LSA conversion. stock pulleys 6lbs of boost. put down 530 r.w.h.p.

  4. #4
    Advanced Tuner
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    disable fast torque exit
    zero burst knock out

    iat compesators are too aggressive.

    also your low octane table has no timing where your problem is. copy the high over to tune it.

    log all torque managment PIDS and do another log.

  5. #5
    You are referring to on the spark/iat/base? I have those set to that temp due to knock on the gas side of this tune..
    2015 2ss 1LE Camaro with LSA conversion. stock pulleys 6lbs of boost. put down 530 r.w.h.p.

  6. #6
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    yes, but try those other suggested changes & report back

  7. #7
    tune 33 torque.hpl

    It helped some, but as you can see it is still reducing spark.
    2015 2ss 1LE Camaro with LSA conversion. stock pulleys 6lbs of boost. put down 530 r.w.h.p.

  8. #8
    tune 33 torque 3.hpl here is another log as you can see it seems to only be reducing about 1-2 degrees of timing right before it hits pe. I have the fast torque max'd out the use spark set to disable.
    2015 2ss 1LE Camaro with LSA conversion. stock pulleys 6lbs of boost. put down 530 r.w.h.p.

  9. #9
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    log all TM channels and post that log.

    looking at your latest log...04.52.454 second point. 0.96g/cyl 2671rpm closed loop pre PE. high octane requests 5.5 degrees. log shows 4.5. IAT is asking to remove 0.7 x 2 degrees. close enough to 1-1.5. high octane request minus IAT correction shows its doing exactly what you're asking it to.

    05.34.412 0.75g/cyl 2467rpm closed loop, pre PE. HO spark request 8 degrees. log shows 6. IAT is asking to remove 0.7x 3 degrees. close enough to 2. again HO spark request minus IAT correction equals the logged value.

  10. #10
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    spark doesnt care about Closed or open loop or PE or BE. it does whats in the main tables influenced by all the relative corrections.

    try smooth the transition in your main spark tables where its going from 0.5g/cyl to almost double that (0.96) in one or two RPM columns. will feel less aggressive of a retard when u mash the peddle. its only on 7psi, run it a little rich and get some spark in.

    thats the timing id expect on pump fuel with 11-12psi LS3

    also zero out piston slap and gas spark corrections

    E85 typically will take 3-6 degrees more than pump fuel on the same blower combo. e85 is gods fuel, it makes the impossible, possible
    Last edited by lukearmstrong1990; 07-14-2020 at 12:23 PM.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by lukearmstrong1990 View Post
    log all TM channels and post that log.

    looking at your latest log...04.52.454 second point. 0.96g/cyl 2671rpm closed loop pre PE. high octane requests 5.5 degrees. log shows 4.5. IAT is asking to remove 0.7 x 2 degrees. close enough to 1-1.5. high octane request minus IAT correction shows its doing exactly what you're asking it to.

    05.34.412 0.75g/cyl 2467rpm closed loop, pre PE. HO spark request 8 degrees. log shows 6. IAT is asking to remove 0.7x 3 degrees. close enough to 2. again HO spark request minus IAT correction equals the logged value.
    Yes i see that now. Didn't realize the iat temps where that hot. If you look in the log it will have on the delivered engine torque, right at pe mode will be around 500 lbs to torque and while the rpm's go up the torque does appear to go down. any ideas?

    I tried to log all the torque values, but then my other data like spark would not appear. I think i am trying to log to many pids. I will try to remove other pids to get you a log of the requested torque values.
    2015 2ss 1LE Camaro with LSA conversion. stock pulleys 6lbs of boost. put down 530 r.w.h.p.

  12. #12
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    post latest tune.

    i would suspect the drop in torque is due to reduction in timing. less timing car knows its producing less torque. as timing goes back up so does torque. you can see thats confirmed by the g/cyl value following the same trend. 1.06 1.05 1.04 1.03 1.02 1.01 1.00 0.99 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 in the 2846rpm -3416rp, window of transition into PE at 03.33.814

    you need to log spark tq managment
    etc torque managment
    fuel tq managment PIDS

    too many PIDS means slow. log only what u need.
    Last edited by lukearmstrong1990; 07-14-2020 at 12:33 PM.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by lukearmstrong1990 View Post
    spark doesnt care about Closed or open loop or PE or BE. it does whats in the main tables influenced by all the relative corrections.

    try smooth the transition in your main spark tables where its going from 0.5g/cyl to almost double that (0.96) in one or two RPM columns. will feel less aggressive of a retard when u mash the peddle. its only on 7psi, run it a little rich and get some spark in.

    thats the timing id expect on pump fuel with 11-12psi LS3

    also zero out piston slap and gas spark corrections

    E85 typically will take 3-6 degrees more than pump fuel on the same blower combo. e85 is gods fuel, it makes the impossible, possible
    when you are referring to the spark tables wouldn't it make sense to use the flex fuel spark tables for the e-85 instead of adjusting the main spark tables? Meaning i have it somewhat dialed in the no knock when i run 91 octane fuel. so by using the flex fuel spark table it can get aggressive only on e-85? or would you recomend changing the high flow table instead? I just remember how much of a pain in the ass it was to completely eliminated the spark knock when i was using 91 octane..
    2015 2ss 1LE Camaro with LSA conversion. stock pulleys 6lbs of boost. put down 530 r.w.h.p.

  14. #14
    2015 2ss 1LE Camaro with LSA conversion. stock pulleys 6lbs of boost. put down 530 r.w.h.p.

  15. #15
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    yes use the flex fuel table to add spark for ethanol. the multipliers for MAP and composition look good. but you could be adding 3 or more degrees from 2400rpm and 0.68-0.72 area and up. and an additional 2-3 degrees after peak torque (total +5-6)

  16. #16
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    Last edited by lukearmstrong1990; 07-14-2020 at 12:49 PM.

  17. #17
    torque scan 5600 rpm.hpltorque scan 4.hpl i have 2 scans i added. i tried adding torque pids, but not all showed up. see what you think. i also increased my flex spark tables to up to 6 degrees more of timing. Let me know what you think..
    2015 2ss 1LE Camaro with LSA conversion. stock pulleys 6lbs of boost. put down 530 r.w.h.p.

  18. #18
    Just added your timing tables. wow it looks so much smother than what i had. I will give this a try. thank you.
    2015 2ss 1LE Camaro with LSA conversion. stock pulleys 6lbs of boost. put down 530 r.w.h.p.

  19. #19
    tune34 torque settings.hpl Here is a scan of the torque setting you requested. Also this scan is with the new timing tables that you had blended. Pulls super hard. If you take a look at the maf freq table i have a major spike right when it goes into p.e. mode and as you can see from this scan it still is wanting more fuel.. How do i adjusted it without having a major spike due to the fuel demand? I have played around with the transients in the past, but when i adjust it for this it throws something else off.
    2015 2ss 1LE Camaro with LSA conversion. stock pulleys 6lbs of boost. put down 530 r.w.h.p.

  20. #20
    2015 2ss 1LE Camaro with LSA conversion. stock pulleys 6lbs of boost. put down 530 r.w.h.p.