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Thread: Analog inputs using MPVI2 + Pro Link

  1. #1
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    Analog inputs using MPVI2 + Pro Link

    Can TrackAddict log the analog inputs when using MPVI2 + Pro Link? When I select channels for MPVI2, I do not see any option for analog.


  2. #2
    Advanced Tuner Weston@HPTuners's Avatar
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    Not at the present time, but I do have one sitting on my desk for that reason, so it's definitely something that I want to add (alone with other enhanced capabilies) once we knock out some other projects...

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Weston@HPTuners View Post
    Not at the present time, but I do have one sitting on my desk for that reason, so it's definitely something that I want to add (alone with other enhanced capabilies) once we knock out some other projects...
    Good to know. Feel free to reach out, I can help with testing. I have analog oil temp sensor wired up to pro link

  4. #4
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    Came here to ask this same exact question as I just wired in a Wideband and have an MPVI2 mounted in the car at all times for track datalogging. I was really hoping that once the signal was there from the analog port it would populate in the channel selections in TrackAddict, but NOPE! Just another limited capability of the MPVI2. With this limited capability of MPVI2 data logging without a computer it has left me to use TrackAddict to create/bypoass the capablity.

    I understand HP Tuner has their path determined already, but it seems it would be pretty easy to offer. I mean, you can even keep it for the Pro-Version of trackaddict, which is a revenue stream in itself.

    We've now given HPTuners a lot of money, with pointless limits to everything.

  5. #5
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    With more MPVI2 and track addict combined functionality I would seriously consider leaving efi live and moving over to the hp tuners eco system. advanced display/logging features in a track app would be killer. I would also love to monitor/log things like wideband AFR, knock etc during track events and then easy log review between sessions etc.

  6. #6
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    Hi Weston, just wondering if there's been any progress on this front. Was hoping to use MPVI2 and Track Addict to log wideband at trackdays but looks like it's not doable yet.

  7. #7
    Advanced Tuner Weston@HPTuners's Avatar
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    Yes, your timing is almost perfect! Barring any unforeseen complications, we will be releasing a solution this week. It's part of a larger MPVI2 feature that will be released, in which I was able to include the bonus of enhanced data streaming to TrackAddict and our future apps. It was a long tedious process developing the firmware additions for this, but the capability goes far beyond just ProLink data, so I'm very pleased with the result and hope that our users will be too. It will be beta at first, so there may be some items for us to tweak here or there, but so far we've had great feedback in private testing for the past couple months.

    Once the main announcement is posted, I will make an announcement in this forum to cover the TrackAddict-specific details, requirements, and setup instructions...

    In the meantime, you'll want to make sure you have the latest TrackAddict for Android update, v4.6.5, which I released last week in preparation for this.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Weston@HPTuners View Post
    Yes, your timing is almost perfect! Barring any unforeseen complications, we will be releasing a solution this week. It's part of a larger MPVI2 feature that will be released, in which I was able to include the bonus of enhanced data streaming to TrackAddict and our future apps. It was a long tedious process developing the firmware additions for this, but the capability goes far beyond just ProLink data, so I'm very pleased with the result and hope that our users will be too. It will be beta at first, so there may be some items for us to tweak here or there, but so far we've had great feedback in private testing for the past couple months.

    Once the main announcement is posted, I will make an announcement in this forum to cover the TrackAddict-specific details, requirements, and setup instructions...

    In the meantime, you'll want to make sure you have the latest TrackAddict for Android update, v4.6.5, which I released last week in preparation for this.
    Very cool, I'll be looking for this and may very well give me enough reason to purchase the pro feature set.

    I know Custom PID definition has been requested and talked about before for TA. Is there any thought to still adding that, but for the MPVI2 / pro feature set? Reason I ask is that the VCM scanner is still quite limited for my car and I have a ton of PID info, just wish I could put it to use in VCM scanner or TA, etc. Ability to define my own memory addresses for logging would be even cooler.

  9. #9
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    Well, I fired up VCM suite today and my MPVI2 started a firmware update. Couldn't resist, went ahead and bought the pro feature set.

    Loaded my channel config file, fired up Track Addict. The SAE and TCU params show up, but ECU stuff is missing.

    What's the best way to report issue and help work to get the bugs worked out?

  10. #10
    Advanced Tuner Weston@HPTuners's Avatar
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    Announced this morning. Was hoping for yesterday, but you know how those last-minute details go. TrackAddict specifics are now posted here:

  11. #11
    Advanced Tuner Weston@HPTuners's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aaronc7 View Post
    Very cool, I'll be looking for this and may very well give me enough reason to purchase the pro feature set.

    I know Custom PID definition has been requested and talked about before for TA. Is there any thought to still adding that, but for the MPVI2 / pro feature set? Reason I ask is that the VCM scanner is still quite limited for my car and I have a ton of PID info, just wish I could put it to use in VCM scanner or TA, etc. Ability to define my own memory addresses for logging would be even cooler.
    With this firmware update, it's a lot easier for us to add support for things that are supported in VCM Scanner. I know that some people have taken to manually editing their channel config xml file, so I've tried to support anything that works that way, but it is harder for us to test all these custom possibilities, and obviously that's not the most intuitive approach in general, so it's my hope that we see further development for this in the Scanner UI itself. I've nagged the powers that be about this a couple times in the past already. Right now I believe it's mostly custom CAN broadcasts that are being setup that way, rather than polling parameters.

    Quote Originally Posted by aaronc7 View Post
    Well, I fired up VCM suite today and my MPVI2 started a firmware update. Couldn't resist, went ahead and bought the pro feature set.

    Loaded my channel config file, fired up Track Addict. The SAE and TCU params show up, but ECU stuff is missing.

    What's the best way to report issue and help work to get the bugs worked out?
    If you could post the channel config XML you're using here, I'll take a look and try to replicate it. I have a P59 on my bench that should be comparable to what I think I remember you using.

  12. #12
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    Thanks for taking the time to reply and help per usual Weston!

    I have a P59 and a Simos18 (VW/Audi). I have been messing around with the Simos18 stuff mostly lately and where I'm running into my issues. This is the one I was really talking about, when referring to the ability to custom define PIDs and/or memory addresses. It's new and takes a while to get stuff added, I understand. I'm just at the limits of stock turbo and have a bigger one sitting in a box...really need to be able to log a few more things... I'm get it lol! Only Mode 22 is supported right now too, according to the infolog. I believe the ECU requires security access for mode 23 or an OS patch is required to bypass the security check etc (I think this is what most do). I actually submitted a ticket about user defined PIDs/params for scanner, but was told "not planned at this time". Bummer.

    Anyways, let me do a little more thorough testing....both pure standalone and TrackAddict logging on both my vehicles and see how it all works.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Weston@HPTuners View Post
    If you could post the channel config XML you're using here, I'll take a look and try to replicate it. I have a P59 on my bench that should be comparable to what I think I remember you using.
    P59: Everything seems to work OK in TrackAddict.

    Doing standalone logging, I can log OK, but when I press the button a second time to stop logging, it does stop, but seems to get stuck in some sort of mode where the lights continue to flash and I can't start another log unless I unplug it and start over.

    SAE and TCU stuff logs in TrackAddict, but no ECU (mode 22) params. I tried using the "vehicle defaults" with same results.

    Standalone logging: I can't log anything at all. I notice for the P59 when I plug it into OBD2, only the standard power light is on, before I press any buttons. On the Simos, both the orange and blue/green light are slow flashing (not blue BT light), and it never changes from that state.

    Would the standalone specific issues be more appropriate to push via the normal support ticket route, or is that something you're directly working on too?

    Here is infologs for both cars, and xml files used:

    edit: Two screenshots uploaded too, to show what is in VCM scanner vs TrackAddict.
    Last edited by aaronc7; 01-13-2021 at 12:15 PM.

  14. #14
    Advanced Tuner Weston@HPTuners's Avatar
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    Thanks! Yeah, definitely looks like you're missing the Mode 22's on the SIMOS. I have one here on my bench and will try to replicate... That light activity is normal for the SIMOS18, as it has some data transmissions that make it through our default filters, but it certainly confuses things when you're trying to do standalone logging with this particular controller. I'm hopeful that we can change up the lighting/colors a little in the future to make standalone statuses a bit more clear.

    With regards to the standalone logging not starting, the first thing to verify is that you hadn't connected to VCM Suite or TrackAddict in the few minutes before you tried to start standalone logging. It's a safety mechanism to prevent standalone logging from starting while our apps are trying to use the MPVI2, as that could be pretty problematic. There's a bit of an idle period required, and unfortunately there's presently no way to indicate to the user that we're rejecting the standalone action for this reason. That's another thing I'd like to address with lighting and color changes, if practical. The quick solution here is to unplug the MPVI2 and then plug it back in, give it a second or two to boot up, then press the button again. I'll double check SIMOS and P59 on my end as well.

    I wrote the standalone logging addition to the firmware, so the tickets for anything but minor issues should come to me, and that will be the best way to keep track of those issues going forward. I got your ticket and will respond to that too once we have a solution, which will probably be another beta firmware update (these do typically take a bit more time than our app updates)...

  15. #15
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    Copy all, thank you. I waited several minutes for some of these actions and tried multiple times to make sure it wasn't just me being impatient or some fluke. Hit me up if you need more info or want me to try anything else out.