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Thread: I2M csv compatibility

  1. #1
    Tuner in Training
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    Sep 2017

    I2M csv compatibility

    Hi everyone, I log my data via I2M Chrome and when I export the data into the csv format, RaceRender does not like it right away. I have done some parsing and basically from 1 csv file I am able to recreate 3 files with all the info in such a way RaceRander can digest. However there is still a couple of problems, Racerender can not understand the lap times and can not generate a map. My files contain latitute and longitude data, so I was expecting to see a map at least. Any help ?

    My main csv file can be found here:

  2. #2
    Advanced Tuner
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    Apr 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by gian84 View Post
    Hi everyone, I log my data via I2M Chrome and when I export the data into the csv format, RaceRender does not like it right away. I have done some parsing and basically from 1 csv file I am able to recreate 3 files with all the info in such a way RaceRander can digest. However there is still a couple of problems, Racerender can not understand the lap times and can not generate a map. My files contain latitute and longitude data, so I was expecting to see a map at least. Any help ?

    My main csv file can be found here:
    I think the short answer is that the Longitude and Latitude columns don't appear to have any data in them (along with any other columns that appear to be GPS related). Maybe the GPS antenna wasn't plugged in at the time? I don't think there's much you can do about that now unless you have a camera that was GPS enabled where you could have RaceRender try to get the GPS data from the video instead.

    For lap times though, you can enable some precise lap times by either directly editing the file or by opening the Lap List (just to the left of Create Video). The laps should look like:

    # Lap 0: 00:02:43.08
    # Lap 1: 00:02:23.07
    # Lap 2: 00:02:12.69
    # Lap 3: 00:02:13.45

    If you want to edit the CSV to add them in, they just need to be in the correct order (anywhere in the file) and have the very first line of the file be:
    # RaceRender Data

    See this page for more info.

  3. #3
    Tuner in Training
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    Sep 2017
    Sorry for the mistake but I put into the link the wrong csv file. I have just updated it with the right one where you can find all the columns with data. Based on this last file, any idea why lat & lon are not enough to create a map?

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by gian84 View Post
    Sorry for the mistake but I put into the link the wrong csv file. I have just updated it with the right one where you can find all the columns with data. Based on this last file, any idea why lat & lon are not enough to create a map?
    Can you copy the link here again? I don't see the new file, and the old link just gives me a "this file was deleted" error. I can take a look at the new file tomorrow.

    If you have lat and lon columns and they have data, then RaceRender should definitely be able to make a map. Perhaps you need to manually select those columns in the Configure Input File (click on your Input File in the top right, click the Config button, and choose your column for Vehicle Position X and Vehicle Position Y)? Maybe it doesn't recognize the column names and isn't automatically determining the columns.

    If it is displaying a map but it just looks like a huge line, then there might be a few rows that have 0.0 or some other wildly wrong value compared to your typical lat/lon.

  5. #5
    Tuner in Training
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    Here is the new link, let me know if you can make it work

    I will try to follow your suggestions and see if it works

  6. #6
    Tuner in Training
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    Last night I made simple script which eliminates many column from the original files (link above) and also cuts a couple of initial rows. Therefore, the cleaned file I am using as RaceRender input is here:

    However the map and the lap time still do not work. I hope someone can help

  7. #7
    Tuner in Training
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    I have good updates, now I have almost figure everything out. Lat and Lon numbers in the files represent the decimal points of the coordinates. So if you take those columns, divide all the values by 1e8 and add 0, everything will work in raceRender. For example the first row of the latitude has this value 21293961, dividing it by 1e8 and add 0, the final value will be 0.21293961. If you do it for every value everything will be perfect.

    Now I have one last thing to fix: lap time table. I have manually added the lap times (see screenshot below), however the first lap of the race is not shown. The time table starts the lap timer on the 2 lap only! Everything but the first lap works, how do I fix? It is not a sync problem because everything is properly in sync, just the time table does not start working till the 2nd lap

    Thanks in advance

    Screen Shot 2021-03-24 at 2.54.55 PM.png

  8. #8
    Advanced Tuner
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    Quote Originally Posted by gian84 View Post
    I have good updates, now I have almost figure everything out. Lat and Lon numbers in the files represent the decimal points of the coordinates. So if you take those columns, divide all the values by 1e8 and add 0, everything will work in raceRender. For example the first row of the latitude has this value 21293961, dividing it by 1e8 and add 0, the final value will be 0.21293961. If you do it for every value everything will be perfect.

    Now I have one last thing to fix: lap time table. I have manually added the lap times (see screenshot below), however the first lap of the race is not shown. The time table starts the lap timer on the 2 lap only! Everything but the first lap works, how do I fix? It is not a sync problem because everything is properly in sync, just the time table does not start working till the 2nd lap

    Thanks in advance

    Screen Shot 2021-03-24 at 2.54.55 PM.png
    Nice! Good find. Try changing the first lap to just Lap 001 instead of Lap 000. Lap 0 is considered an out lap (that occurs prior to the first time you cross the start/finish).

  9. #9
    Tuner in Training
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    I found the solution by myself, the problem of the time is that I wrote previously Lap 000 to be XX, the time table starts only from lap 1. By manually changing it, the problem was fixed!