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Thread: 2018 up mustang traction control issues

  1. #1

    2018 up mustang traction control issues


    I'm experiencing this in A10 when power is close to 700 crank hp and up. What's happening, it's kicking TC without reason and it's Whipple calibratin. Once TC is disabled it's all fine. First 3 gears never has this problems.
    My guess it's something with axeleration ratio and it's built in ABS module, or torque tables mismatch, maybe somebody experienced this and there's some trick to tune it.
    Last edited by caniggia; 07-25-2021 at 01:39 PM.

  2. #2
    Advanced Tuner
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    Jun 2020
    I had a very similar issue on my Whipple 2018. I’d have to look at old logs but it always happened at the same gear and rpm, I want to say 6th gear. However, it did it with tc on or off. I chased it for a while, and it hasn’t dont it in months. One thing I noticed is that my torque demand was drastically higher than torque produced, so I brought torque demand down closer to reasonable levels. I’m not certain that fixed it but it hasn’t don’t it since.

  3. #3
    Advanced Tuner
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    Jun 2020
    Yea the Whipple torque and speed density models both leave a lot to be desired. I don’t know why they would show TC as the torque source but I suspect that’s an error on hptuners’ end. They have similar errors on cam timing source.

  4. #4
    It's not only tq source, i have TC or if TC off ESP flashing on dash, so looks in my case hpt shows correctly

  5. #5
    I lined all things so everything matches, airload desired and actual except no matter what I do scheduled tq for wot is always this same and lot to high.
    I'm waiting for calibration update from Whipple now.

  6. #6
    I got calibration update from them and it fixed problem. What I see, difference is in injector config, so final airflow is different now and load etc is inline. Thanks for help.