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Thread: 2021 Roush Supercharged Mustang: Controller unlocker timed out

  1. #1
    Tuner in Training
    Join Date
    Oct 2021

    2021 Roush Supercharged Mustang: Controller unlocker timed out

    Hi guys, this is a copy of an email I just sent off to support. Not expecting a solution from this thread, just wanted to put it out there for discussion in case anyone had some insights or similar findings.

    Hello, we recently had a brand new 2021 Mustang GT 10spd auto with 1000 miles on it into our shop for a blower install and custom tune. We first dynoed the vehicle before blower install for a stock baseline, at that time I was able to read, write, and datalog the car and licensed it in order to flash on a tune with speed limiter raised and gear locked for dyno purposes. Baselined the car, all went well. Flashed the unmodified stock tune back on and the technician proceeded with the blower install. Install completed, he flashed on the provided Roush tune and then the car was handed back to me for another baseline before custom tuning. Our intent was to compare the canned Roush tune to our custom tune. Supercharged baseline with the Roush tune went well.

    Now came time to begin the custom tune, using the standard release of VCM editor I was unable to read the car. Using the latest beta of VCM editor I was however able to read the Roush tune off the car. Unfortunately that's where our luck ends, neither standard nor beta VCM editor or VCM Scanner are able to write to the ECU or even connect/datalog. After pushing the Write button VCM editor gives the error "Controller Unlocker Timed Out" without even attempting to write, and VCM scanner fails to connect to the vehicle let alone start a datalog.

    I contacted Roush with my findings and they insisted they do not "lock" their tunes in any way, and I have been able to tune other similar Roush supercharged 5.0 Ford cars and trucks using HPtuners no problem so I'm inclined to believe them. I think these issues are just due to the car being so new and the roush calibration using a different OS.

    I am providing three files, the factory un modified tune of the stock car, the un modified Roush tune I was able to pull off with beta VCM Editor, and a VCM Suite info log with the MPVI being unable to connect to the car. Hopefully these are useful in developing support for this application.

    If not, would you be able to let me know either way? Our "plan B" was to send the vehicle to Ford for a stock calibration over-write at which point we could tune the car from scratch using HPTuners.

  2. #2
    Advanced Tuner
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    Feb 2017
    It's the roush strategy. It's not supported yet for reasons mentioned in the email. I'm sure you sent the file. They will get it added. About two years ago I had to send in a 2014 roush f150 file. Files must be sent in if you want to tune with HPT. I was the only person in the 6 or 7 years to tune that specific roush strategy.

    Did you use HPT to flash from stock to roush? Or SCT?

  3. #3
    Tuner in Training
    Join Date
    Oct 2021
    Support added in latest beta, thanks.

  4. #4
    HP Tuners Support
    Bill@HPTuners's Avatar
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    Please do not post VCM Suite infologs, they put you at a risk to your security. With that said regarding Roush, we support some but not all of their calibrations. I'm glad support was able to assist you in this case in getting support for your application.
    It doesn't have to be perfect, it just needs to be done in two weeks...

    A wise man once said "google it"