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Thread: climb/descent gauge that is dampened

  1. #1
    Tuner in Training
    Join Date
    Apr 2021
    outside Philadelphia PA

    climb/descent gauge that is dampened

    I record rides on my dirt bike on a GoPro and use RR to render things like speed, compass, track map. It mostly works fine.
    I would like to have a gauge to show the amount and steepness of climbs and descents.

    I've used the round gauge "grade-gauge" (Elevation field) and its not very useful.
    The needle bounces around foot by foot. However it is being calculated, it needs to take a moving average or something
    similar to dampen out its wild variations.

    Perhaps unrelated:
    I looked in the "enhanced display objects" and see some that might work better, but I don't seem to be able to add any
    of those objects to my timeline.

  2. #2
    Advanced Tuner
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    Data manipulation is typically best done in some sort of spreadsheet or scripting program prior to importing into RaceRender, but that's not easily doable with GoPro GPS data. And I agree that the Gauge Designer is pretty nice for customizing the look of round gauges, but there isn't much you can do for customizing the incoming data there.

    Have you looked at the 2D Graphs? I think that might translate very well to elevation (and there are even several "elevation" named options there). Those all have a "Graph Mode" in the Display Object Properties which allows for various forms of Timespan (drawing the graph as time progresses), Fixed (showing the entire timeline with indicator to show where in the timeline the current frame is), and Progress (which is a hybrid between the other two that draws the graph in a fixed manner as the video progresses such that it is empty at the start and complete at the end).

    If you don't think the 2D Graph is what you're looking for, I think we could put together an Enhanced Display Object that could do something like what you're describing. Is there something specific that you're looking for? Maybe something like the pitching gauge on the left of this inclinometer (rolling is really just your lean angle anyway...)?


    With the persistent script variables, I think we could save enough to let you average out over a second or two, and compare that average to a second or two prior to get an actual pitch. That might not give you quite as complete of a picture as a 2D Graph, but it might look nicer.

    I might be misunderstanding, but the "Timeline" functionality is separate from adding display objects to a video. Timeline allows you to modify the properties of an existing Display Object at certain points in time (e.g. set the "Active" property of a lap timer to Hidden to hide it prior to the start of the first lap, but then add a new timeline segment at the start of the first lap which changes the "Active" property to Visible so that you see the timer from then on). Timelines don't seem to be transferrable between projects via templates and seem to be specific to the exact time in the project (as opposed to something more general purpose like the start of a lap); so I've generally avoided messing with them except in specific circumstances for a one-off project. I'll usually try to bake that type of logic into an Enhanced Display Object so that I don't need to manually edit the timeline each time. See this thread for an example of how the Timeline could be used.

    You probably already know this, but to add a Display Object, I typically click the "Add" button in the center of the right side of the window in the "Display Objects" section. That should open a pop-up with several categories of Display Objects (of which, Enhanced Display Object is one). Clicking on a category will then open specific "styles" (i.e. specific instances of that category) that when clicked on will add a new gauge to the video as well as open its properties. After adding the display object, you'll almost always need to modify the Field that it applies to which controls the incoming data and move/resize it appropriately.

  3. #3
    Tuner in Training
    Join Date
    Apr 2021
    outside Philadelphia PA
    One of the 2D Graphs objects is a lot closer to what I am looking for.
    I haven't figured out exactly what the various properties control, but its a solid beginning.
    From a quick test, it seems to have enough dampening to meet my needs. I may decide I want a different presentation,
    But that will take some experimentation to see what it can do.

    My problem of not being able to add any Enhanced Display Objects seems to have been just user error.