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Thread: 2021 f150 3.5 ecoboost twin turbo... Fails to communicate for read?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2019
    Lodi, CA

    2021 f150 3.5 ecoboost twin turbo... Fails to communicate for read?

    So I have a client and from what I gather my mpvi too and the version I've been using for HP tuners and the beta version for HP tuners either one should support this vehicle. But when I go to interface with the vehicle and I hit get information it shows up with the operating system number but it doesn't pick an ECU and it doesn't pick a transmission control module it just gives me a drop down with a bunch of choices and none of them work. Am I missing something is there something I have to do to tell the ECU to go into programming mode or do I need like an extra connector do I have to jump something out the terminal or disable something? Because this clients already paid and I'm at a loss as to why I'm unable to read the computer when it should be compatible. Again she has friends that are all tuning the same vehicle in the same engine even though it's not the same vehicle but same year too with HP tuners they got a 2021 3.5 EcoBoost and all of their vehicles some of them are f-150s some of them are you know whatever other vehicles that those come in but all of them are 20/20/21 2022 you know but there are a couple that are exactly 2021 and we're getting no love from my mpvi too can someone please give me some inside as to how this works cuz I'm researched it last night and I couldn't get it to read.
    "Insert some inspirational or smart*** quote here..." - Some Dude

  2. #2
    Advanced Tuner
    Join Date
    Jun 2019
    Is it already tuned with a commercial tune of some kind?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2019
    Lodi, CA
    No it's not. I'm in the client went ahead and asked for a refund anyway so I can't really do anything about it now. But he's saying that it had never been tuned before and it looked Factory like nothing had been done it looked like it had been lowered but that's it. There was zero modifications down under the hood that I could tell but I could not read it to save my life. I even hooked up my PCM tuner device to it and as soon as it would say like in the logs setting reprogramming state or sending into reprogramming mode or whatever as soon as it tried to ask for a security access it would just restart the computer and everything to come back to life it's almost like the second to try to request security access it just failed but it doesn't say requesting security access failed. Like HP tuners for instance would just time out and it wouldn't even say time out it would try to talk to it and then the read button would become active again and you could click it again and it was weird like it just wouldn't respond to anything but it didn't throw any errors whatsoever for the most part HP tuners it just wouldn't do it and PCM tuner after a while would or I'm sorry PCM flash would just crash silently too like it would try and do it and then boom it would just stop and quit and the car would re-or the ECU would reset and dash lights came back on and didn't skip a beat. Is really weird I have no idea what it was so I'm thinking it had to be flash aftermarket and I'm thinking with SCT or something then I couldn't get security access. But the big thing that I had with it is when I went to click info or like when you click the read and the read window comes up it usually when you hit get info will tell you the type of ECU all sorts of stuff and it automatically knows what to actually do with it. With this one it didn't do that it just kind of popped up and just gave me the operating system ID and blank drop downs that just listed all a bunch of controllers and that was it. It just it didn't give me any love whatsoever so I'm not really sure what to make of that usually when I click get info I could click read and it read entire and it's good to go this one they wanted me to pick the ECU out of the dropdown so I'm assuming it wasn't supported. It did that in the newest beta too
    "Insert some inspirational or smart*** quote here..." - Some Dude