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Thread: Polaris: Which Controller To Select

  1. #1
    HPT Employee Eric@HPTuners's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Crawfordville, FL

    Polaris: Which Controller To Select

    Currently we support two Polaris ECUs. The M17.8.7 and ME17.9.74.

    If you are reading your Polaris and the controller does not auto select the controller for you, it just means we haven't seen that exact operating system before.

    If your Polaris has electronic throttle it uses the ME17.9.74. Cable throttle uses M17.8.7.
    Eric Brooks
    HP Tuners, LLC

  2. #2
    Hey eric I am having a validate check sum issue with my me17.9.74. It will act as if it has read the entire file and then right at the end of the upload it gives me a validate check sum failed message. What am I doing incorrectly or what do I need to do Thanks

  3. #3
    Potential Tuner
    Join Date
    May 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by extremepowermech View Post
    Hey eric I am having a validate check sum issue with my me17.9.74. It will act as if it has read the entire file and then right at the end of the upload it gives me a validate check sum failed message. What am I doing incorrectly or what do I need to do Thanks

    Do we have a soultion, currently have identical issue with validate check sum failed, same ECU.