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Thread: Saturn Sky Redline 2.0 Turbo engine surging

  1. #1
    Potential Tuner
    Join Date
    Feb 2024

    Saturn Sky Redline 2.0 Turbo engine surging

    I am super new to the hp tuners platform. I had a professional tune my car, but I keep getting this random engine surging. In the attached 30 second log, I have the cruise set, on flat interstate. Out of the blue, the rpms will start bouncing around. The tuner has supplied about 8 different tunes so far, and this still randomly happens.

    2008 Saturn Sky Redline 2.0 Turbo
    Catless downpipe
    ZZP exhaust
    Fujita CAI
    Unknown aftermarket charge pipes

    Things I've done chasing this bouncing:
    Changed MAF
    Changed o2 sensor
    Changed EVAP purge and vent solenoids with the canister
    New coils / AC Delco plugs
    Swapped injectors with known good ones
    Swapped throttle body with down good ones
    Compression tested
    Pressure tested from turbo inlet and sprayed soap everywhere looking for leaks....none I could see.
    Swapped cam solenoids with known good ones
    Capped evap purge solenoid

    I keep banging my head against the wall on this. Spending too much time and money chasing this annoyance down. Can any of you gurus look at the 30 second log and see if you see anything? I have plenty of other logs too, just throwing one up that shows it running fine, then randomly doing the surging thing.

    2024-04-27 dummy evap purge (13min spot).hpl

    I should probably add this is a new to me car. I bought it with a turbo that leaking oil. Replaced the turbo.....not sure if it ran correctly before I bought it. The tuner said the original tune pulled off the car was pretty jacked.
    Last edited by Shaunr525; 04-27-2024 at 04:46 PM.

  2. #2
    Senior Tuner
    Join Date
    Mar 2022
    Got a tune to go with the log?

  3. #3
    Tuner jaz|TUNING's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2022
    Greenwood, AR
    I'd be curious to see this as well. To start, your fuel trims are shit.