Wanted to start a thread for collective info on requirements to use a c8 engine/trans in non c8 builds.
I sent support an email earlier today and the response was basically it hasn?t been done yet to their knowledge.

Looking at a 15 mile pullout with engine/trans pedal with ECM/TCM

What I know is the electric shifter will most likely be a requirement to make the trans functional. Since the c8 uses gateway modules to ?talk? throughout the car curious if we will run into issue with other missing modules not used.

Being Global B, not sure when unlocking the ECM if it could theoretically bypass some of this?

Someone smarter than me may know the answers, just wanted to make a post for any type of collective info we could get on the subject.

Just placed an order for an Ultima RS, but will be 18 months before it?s delivered.