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Thread: Injector Bank 1 / 2 on a 4 cyl engine?

  1. #1
    Potential Tuner
    Join Date
    May 2023

    Injector Bank 1 / 2 on a 4 cyl engine?

    I see Injector Pulse Width channels for Bank 1 and Bank 2, but I only have a 4 cyl engine.

    Which injectors are bank 1 and which are bank 2?

    I'm running a 2007 Dodge Caliber R/T with a supercharger.

    The pulse width between the two banks will differ. I'm looking at a log right now where under 5psi of boost bank 1 is at 9.7ms and bank 2 is 6.8ms.
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  2. #2
    Advanced Tuner
    Join Date
    Jan 2022
    Southern California
    I dunno, but my first thought it they may be one and the same. Like I have two RPM PID's and they do not read the same, as you can see in the pix. I think they want to but there's a delay so they can randomly read very different, and the faster it's changing the worse it is. I only have one crank sensor so I assume it all stems from there, but who knows what happens after that. All I can say for sure is they're all wrong, but how far they're off vary so every time I were to take this screenshot it would be different.

    I spoze if it were me I'd pick whichever one seems better, or just avg the two. Or maybe make two vertical bars side by side, like I do with my left/right Lambda. I'm also curious if it really is two different ones, like cyl 1-2 & 3-4, or maybe it follows the firing order. If the PIDs really are two different #'s, and you didn't select the generic ones, then I'd bet my $1 on there really is two.
    When I want to see the PID's I pull that PID in a Math Parameter because it'll show the actual #. I pull it up twice; one I click the " Yes, sounds good", the other I click " No, I know what I'm doing. "They" say the latter one is better as it's the cars actual PID and the former is like a legacy #? If there is no option to click Yes or No, then there was only one option so it doesn't matter.
    You could pull up all four on a chart and see if one, or a pair of them, respond quicker, I guess, and go with that one? Also note that things I have a gauge for read different than the PID data on the far left, which you can also see in the pix. Usually for me the gauge reads better and faster than the PID list. So what is actually happening vs the data is always in question.
    Eg; if I have ping retard and it says it retarded at 3krpm at 90% load. Was it really 3k and 90%? Probably not. Did it happen at 2800 and 70%? Maybe, maybe not. Very frustrating... Like my rpm, the faster things are moving the less you can trust the data.

    RPM problem.jpg
    '16 E550 Coupe RWD - C207.373 / M278.922 / MED17.7.3 / 722.909