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Thread: Ballenger AFR500 transform not working in math

  1. #1
    Tuner in Training
    Join Date
    Oct 2016

    Ballenger AFR500 transform not working in math

    I'm a novice tuner and I'm tuning my first Gen V LT (2020 Global A L84 Silverado) and trying to use Dynamic air to tune MAF and NN at the same time. I have a Ballenger AFR500 wideband hooked to input 1 on my MPVI 2.

    It reads fine in the channels, graph and if I put it straight into a histogram or use the AFR error built in math. But when I try to put it in a user defined math channel it shows up as pink and I can't get any data in the histogram that uses it. I've tried it as equation and just by itself in user defined math and both show as pink and neither logs into a histogram.

    When I select it as a new variable, I click the toggle to only show selectable channels and it show as the only available channel under transforms. If I select for it to use the factory parameters it's PID 50119.238. I have also tried it as selecting my own parameters and it's some like 504xx.238. Both ways it shows as pink.

    I have tried both the current beta version of the logger and an older version and it's the same in both. What am I doing wrong?

  2. #2
    Tuner in Training
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    Somehow this afternoon it's working. I don't know or care why, but it's showing data in the histogram now too. I messed with this for 4 hours a few days ago and couldn't get it show in the math.

    Screenshot 2024-05-22 164724.jpg