Hey guys, I just picked up my second LLY (lbz) van yesterday for a steal of a deal. Previous (and only owner) claims ?it needs a fuel system?. Well I highly doubt that and I?ll be sure to have it running shortly.

Anyways my first van had went to a local diesel shop and they fiddled with it and it drives a little nicer, fuel mileage is great, has some more power it seems. Long story short I?m taking care of the second/new van. Does anybody have a file I can go off of to use in the compare feature and sort of guide me towards where I want to be? I?m looking for a decent bump in power and fuel mileage/driveability as the main priority. I realize time will need to be spent smoothing and tinkering but if someone could provide a compare file that would help much.

Will post stock file later today when I get to workin on the heap. Not sure how much info I?m forgetting or overdoing on but you get the just of what?s going on here, I hope.