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Thread: 2016 Veloster Turbo Driver Demand Tables

  1. #1
    Tuner Fast9C1's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Allison Park, PA, USA, Earth

    2016 Veloster Turbo Driver Demand Tables

    Does anyone know what these are used for? They are pretty much identical and I can't find any (obvious) PIDs that would give a clue. It would be amazing if the ECM was referencing a different one for each gear
    Attached Images Attached Images
    Scott Knight
    Allison Park, PA
    2016 Veloster Rally Edition
    1994 Impala SS 24x 0411 PCM

  2. #2
    Tuner Fast9C1's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Allison Park, PA, USA, Earth

    Launch Control

    By scaling one table at a time by half and going for a drive, I finally hit that table 4 really does only affect 1st gear and 5 only affects second gear. Now to find a way to automatically turn of traction and stability control...

    P/N is active when the speed is below something like 2mph:

    The two bottom rows of DD4 are a work in progress. I have taken a ton out of the 3-5k range and massaged a bit in the upper left to help driveability:

    All of the other DD tables:

    A little video at half speed of a full throttle launch. Note how much more load/boost it has at 4k in second gear:
    Last edited by Fast9C1; 08-01-2024 at 10:12 PM.
    Scott Knight
    Allison Park, PA
    2016 Veloster Rally Edition
    1994 Impala SS 24x 0411 PCM