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Thread: Is v5.0.4 the most current stable version?

  1. #1
    Potential Tuner
    Join Date
    Mar 2023

    Is v5.0.4 the most current stable version?

    I'm only an occassional user to tweak my car. My VCM suite is v5.0.4 - and the self updater says its up to date. If I download the stable MSI from the website, it's 5.0.4. But I see posts on Reddit claiming v5.1.xx beta has support for new vehicles. Do you have a super long beta cycle and don't really update often? Is my PC missing something to have a newer version?
    Can you please put text on your download page stating what version it is? Seems like it's impossible to find what the latest is.
    Thank you.

  2. #2
    Tuning Addict blindsquirrel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chris2008 View Post
    Can you please put text on your download page stating what version it is?
    No, they can't do that, that's crazy talk. Been asked many times to use a filenaming convention like literally every other software release uses, and still nope. Every version is 'VCM Suite.msi'. You have to download the whole damn thing and launch the installer, to see the version displayed on the first screen.
    GM Gen4 Injectors v2.1.xls
    ChatGPT is the end result of someone assuming that if they gather up a large enough pile of sh*t it will spontaneously generate a pony.

  3. #3
    Tuning Addict blindsquirrel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by runte2 View Post
    I agree, the practice of not including the version information in the file name is extremely inconvenient. It forces users to download the entire installation package just to find out which version they're getting. This goes against standard software distribution practices that most other vendors follow. Having to launch the installer to see the version is an unnecessary extra step that wastes time and effort. The developers really should adopt a more transparent and user-friendly approach, such as including the version number in the file name. Providing clear version information upfront is a basic expectation for any software download.
    That's suspiciously like someone asked ChatGPT to summarize the posts already here, then add more wordiness.
    GM Gen4 Injectors v2.1.xls
    ChatGPT is the end result of someone assuming that if they gather up a large enough pile of sh*t it will spontaneously generate a pony.