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Thread: Hey y'all Capt. Klingon is back!

  1. #21
    Senior Tuner
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    You should watch Roadworthy Rescues to see what Derek Bieri does to get cars running that have been sitting for 40+ years in all kinds of conditions and back to his shop.

  2. #22
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    If his continued trolling here is okay, then I feel disinclined to continue contributing my time. Anybody else up for some collective action?
    Quote Originally Posted by SiriusC1024 View Post
    I think they're junkyard rebuilds.

  3. #23
    Senior Tuner 04silverado6.0's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by blindsquirrel View Post
    If his continued trolling here is okay, then I feel disinclined to continue contributing my time. Anybody else up for some collective action?
    Is he really any more toxic than the rest of us?

  4. #24
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    Did you miss the part where he isn't a HPT user/customer, yet offers up advice on everything even when it's not relevant and he doesn't know anything about the topic at hand? Says HPT is stupid because there are 'free' tools that are better yet wants to continue posting here?
    Quote Originally Posted by SiriusC1024 View Post
    I think they're junkyard rebuilds.

  5. #25
    Senior Tuner 04silverado6.0's Avatar
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    You got a good point. I guess part of me didnt register the facts considering i use several softwares including hpt. Maybe he belongs on or gearhead-efi.

  6. #26
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    fast4.7 been there don that best part was truck jumping from a stop at the light. edc that bug must have been jumping

  7. #27
    Advanced Tuner abc's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by blindsquirrel View Post
    If his continued trolling here is okay, then I feel disinclined to continue contributing my time. Anybody else up for some collective action?
    I have an opinion on the subject but I don't believe it matters in this setting. I feel this falls in the category of "If I don't want to look at it or listen to it" change the channel sort of thing. My guess is, if you ignore him, he will ignore you. I'm not a fan of his misinformation and even less of a fan of the immature name calling, (that applies to all the monkeys throwing the poop) seems counter productive in a technical environment.

    On a funny note: The above quote reminds me of the kid at the play ground that said "I'm taking my ball and going home"

  8. #28
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    I am not a fan of the "all opinions are equally valid, and equally harmless" mindset. Though I do acknowledge that is appealing to a lot of people.
    Quote Originally Posted by SiriusC1024 View Post
    I think they're junkyard rebuilds.

  9. #29
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    It's a support forum. The problem is advice given to new people who don't know any better. It's annoying having to follow up, make corrections, deal with the idiocy. That's why KT was a turd.

  10. #30
    Senior Tuner 04silverado6.0's Avatar
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    There are some others on here very strongly opinionated and not giving useful advice, immature as well. The op here?

  11. #31
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    I've gotten into it with pretty much every regular here, but ultimately I appreciate all of them still. edcmat and I had a pretty bad go-around, and I felt bad about it later. All I have to say is maybe wish him a Merry Christmas instead.

    Merry Christmas everyone.

  12. #32
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    Yeah but you're still wrong about dynamic compression being useful for what everybody uses it for.
    Quote Originally Posted by SiriusC1024 View Post
    I think they're junkyard rebuilds.

  13. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by blindsquirrel View Post
    Yeah but you're still wrong about dynamic compression being useful for what everybody uses it for.
    Probably, but I'm coming around on it.

  14. #34
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    'Dynamic compression' isn't even dynamic!! It's static volume at IVC vs static volume at TDC! That's not dynamic! And it's also not correlated with either volumetric efficiency or cylinder pressure or specific output when the engine is actually being dynamic, like when it is running!
    Quote Originally Posted by SiriusC1024 View Post
    I think they're junkyard rebuilds.

  15. #35
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    keep reporting asshole comments.
    Post a log and tune if you want help


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  16. #36
    Tuning Addict edcmat-l1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 04silverado6.0 View Post
    There are some others on here very strongly opinionated and not giving useful advice, immature as well. The op here?
    Really? Who is the one who got all butt hurt when told his P59 calibration was a mess? Who is the one who went digging for negative feedback?

    I've been here for nearly 20 years. I've given plenty of useful advice. Far more than you Jr. I've actually never read anything useful or helpful from you. Just you requesting help when you couldn't get a P59 to return to idle correctly, and then personally attacking me when I told you that cal was a mess. That's immature and unprofessional. Why not attack me technically? That would be because you can't.

    You tried to school me on 6L apply ramp. Turns out you don't know what you're talking about there either, AND you were replying to a thread about tuning a single disc small diameter converter and yet you've never even tuned one. You eventually backpedaled though "I never said that table didn't need modifying". Actually, that's pretty much what you were saying. Shall I dig it up?

    You've already admitted you have zero automotive training. You've never passed a single automotive competency test. You're a "maintenance" mechanic. Well, I can build an entire house myself but I'm not a Class A contractor.

    You brag about the diag tech you are. Tell us again how you diagnosed those timing chain guides. That was so highly technical. What was the diag process you used? You know, to eliminate the chains and verify it was the guides? I got news son, that's not "diagnostics".

    Maybe when telling everyone about all my negative reviews you use those math skilz from your "math classes" and figure out the percentage of negative reviews on lets says 5000 vehicles I've built, modified and/or tuned. I'll do you one better. Multiply all the ones you found by 10 and then do the math and figure the percentage. Are you capable of that? Maybe if you figured the percentage you'd feel as dumb as you look posting that. I know a half dozen negative reviews seem like a lot to someone like you who has only tuned a few dozen vehicles. Once you get to a few thousand you'll be lucky to have the same ratio I do.

    You know some of the negative reviews were from people I never did any work for? Turns out there a jerks out there in the world that get off on just bad mouthing someone. Sounds kinda like you.

    How about reposting here the last technical post or thread you made? Was it the one where you ran around the vehicle with a temp gun to try and quantify your individual cylinder changes? That was over the top technical. My bet is you don't even know how to quantify those types of changes. Tell us all how you'd go about showing that those changes actually worked. I can tell you how to, but I doubt you even have the tools to "show" the changes. BTW that's a hint. Let's see if you get it.

    You're nothing more than the latest wannabe who bought a laptop and HPT and are now a tooner. So far you've showed me you're nothing more than a joke. A butt hurt joke.

    Oh yeah, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year y'all!! Great to be back after a well-deserved vacation.
    Last edited by edcmat-l1; 01-01-2025 at 09:36 AM.

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  17. #37
    Tuning Addict edcmat-l1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SiriusC1024 View Post
    I've gotten into it with pretty much every regular here, but ultimately I appreciate all of them still. edcmat and I had a pretty bad go-around, and I felt bad about it later. All I have to say is maybe wish him a Merry Christmas instead.

    Merry Christmas everyone.
    You should have felt bad, and humbled.

    When I came back to the board one of the first threads I clicked on was one you were helping a guy out tuning a turbo charged truck I believe. It was clear you did not know what you were doing or what you were even looking at. I told you that and you tried to heckle me off the board.

    Newsflash to everyone including you and that other douche bag. Just because you can make changes doesn't mean you know what you're doing, what you're looking at or how to measure any damn thing.

    You were wrong, I was not. You've never admitted to it, apologized or anything. You did STFU and became civil afterwards and I can live with that.

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  18. #38
    Tuning Addict edcmat-l1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 04silverado6.0 View Post
    There are some others on here very strongly opinionated and not giving useful advice, immature as well. The op here?

    Quote Originally Posted by edcmat-l1 View Post
    Here ya go buddy.

    First shot channel 1 crank, channel 2 cam, channel 3 injector 1. I used number 1 injector for the trigger source to keep everything stable for a screen shot.

    Second shot includes channel 4 and that is number 1 coil primary current. The plug firing would occur on the falling side of the current ramp.

    Hope this helps.

    If they don't come out clear enough shoot me a pm with an email address and I'll email them to you.

    20230909-1006-1.jpg 20230909-1004-1.jpg
    Here's a couple links and a screen shot of me "not giving help". Show me where you've given any technical advice on this level. I'll wait....

    EFI specialist
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  19. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by edcmat-l1 View Post
    You should have felt bad, and humbled.

    When I came back to the board one of the first threads I clicked on was one you were helping a guy out tuning a turbo charged truck I believe. It was clear you did not know what you were doing or what you were even looking at. I told you that and you tried to heckle me off the board.

    Newsflash to everyone including you and that other douche bag. Just because you can make changes doesn't mean you know what you're doing, what you're looking at or how to measure any damn thing.

    You were wrong, I was not. You've never admitted to it, apologized or anything. You did STFU and became civil afterwards and I can live with that.
    Not very Christmassy, Ed

  20. #40
    Tuning Addict edcmat-l1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SiriusC1024 View Post
    Not very Christmassy, Ed
    I'm all fired up for the NEW YEAR!!!!

    Go out of country for a week or so and come home with pink eye. Go me!! LOL
    Last edited by edcmat-l1; 01-01-2025 at 01:01 PM.

    EFI specialist
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