Help Files:
Please take a moment to review the help file as alot of common questions
can be answered from it. Also, check back after every software update as
new content is being added all the time.
You can open the help file at any time in the Editor or Scanner by
pressing 'F1'. It will take you to the section of the help file that relates
to what is currently open in the scanner or editor.
Example: If you have the spark advance section open in the editor and
press F1 it will take you the the spark advance section of the help file.
Note: At this time if you have the help file open by hitting F1 you will not
be able to switch back to the scanner or editor until you close the help
Current Users can also access it direct outside of the program by:
Start->programs-> HP Tuners-> 'VCM Suite Help'
...this would be your best option if you want to use the scanner and/or
editor at the same time as the help file as you will be able to switch back
and forth as you please.
Future HPT Users can Download it here (right-click, save-as): Suite.chm
If you download the help files but cannot view them in Windows XP:
Right click the VCM suite.chm file and click properties. On the general tab look to see if there is button that says "unlock", click the button to unlock the file, then double click to open the file and it should open.
You can also view the help files online:
You can view online demo's of common VCM Suite tasks:
Installing the MSI installer
Installing MPVI Drivers Windows 7 64 bit-NEW
Saving a VCM Suite Info Log-NEW!
Where to find your .os, .cfg, & .hst files
Invalid vin/os pair error
Definition failed to load error
VCM Editor
Setting up the E38/E67 2.5 bar custom operating system-New, 12 minutes long
Reading your VCM
Writing Calibration to the VCM
Failed VCM Calibration Write - VCM Recovery
Changing Fan Settings - 160 Degree Thermostat
Applying a 1 Bar SD Enhancement
Applying a 2 Bar SD Enhancement
VCM Scanner
Basic Scanner Startup Demo
Adding and Removing PIDs
Creating a Custom PID and Adding a Custom PID to the Histogram
Creating a user defined EIO Input
Standalone Data Logging-NEW!
Creating and Saving Custom Histograms-NEW!
Using Plot Filtering in Histograms
Reading and Saving DTC's-NEW!
Opening a config file in VCM Scanner
CASE Learn
Taking a screenshot