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Thread: Wideband serial to usb disappears when scanning

  1. #1
    Tuner in Training shakenfake's Avatar
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    Wideband serial to usb disappears when scanning

    Hey guys so I have set up a channel in my channel configuration for an AEM 30-0300 wideband gauge. This channel is set up so that I can use the gauges serial cable capability, I use a serial to USB which is plugged into my laptop.
    The issue that occurs is whenever I hit start scanning, the entire channel disappears and I cannot get it back until I close HPTuners out completely. I am certain that my drivers are good as my cable is showing up when connected. I believe I have the proper set up but I could have messed something up, I will leave the channel down below so that anyone can double check. Edit: I want to let it be known I am not on the Pro edition

    Mods if you delete my previous thread in a different sub section it would not upset me.

    Thanks guys
    Evan's Channel.Channels.xml
    Last edited by shakenfake; 08-10-2021 at 08:43 AM.

  2. #2
    Tuner in Training
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    I had the same problem off an on with my Innovate LM-2 using the serial connection. On mine I had to restart the scanner a couple of times to get it work when logging.

  3. #3
    Advanced Tuner Pulse_GTO's Avatar
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    I had the same issue with my LM-2 as well. I used to be able to restart the Scanner and it would be normal again. Once I had to start using a newer laptop the channel would always disappear and restarting the Scanner would not help it. In the end I made a digital to analog converter and used the Analog Input on my MPVI Pro.

  4. #4
    Tuner in Training
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    I ended up installing the Beta software to get mine to work properly

  5. #5
    Potential Tuner
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    having the same issue, Restarting doesn't help, powering up the computer with the ports connected doesn't help, checked the drivers, comm port is showing up in device manager, restarting the scanner doesn't help, and tried the BETA as well with no luck. This seems to be a common issue, is HPTuners working on any sort of solution?!

  6. #6
    Tuner in Training
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    Anyone fix this yet Alot of Hp tuners customers are having this issue where the AEM AFR in channels disappears when trying to log. WHAT IS THE FIX?

    So many different answers?

  7. #7
    Advanced Tuner
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    Before you connect and start the log make sure the wideband is reporting and not "warming up". When ignition is cycled and wideband warms up it drops serial connection for whatever reason. That's why it disappears from the channel list.

  8. #8
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    Before you connect and start the log make sure the wideband is reporting and not "warming up". When ignition is cycled and wideband warms up it drops serial connection for whatever reason. That's why it disappears from the channel list.
    This is an interesting thought. At power-on, the 30-0300 sends a initial ID header, of something like "AEM Inc.2013 AFR blah blah blah", before it starts sending the standard AFR messages of "14.7","14.9","14.6", etc. That message MAY confuse the HPT software, and cause the disconnect.

    I could hack up a 30-0300 firmware to NOT send the header info, if that helps.

  9. #9
    Tuner in Training
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    Yup same here! I came on here to search this very issue and apparently im not the only one! Very frustrating, as im trying to dial in my tune before going on a weekend offroading trip but I cant get my LM-1 to log in the scanner. It was a little finicky to get setup last night but I got it to work. But today after receiving a tune from a online tuner, I cannot get it to work..? Ive tried rebooting & re-setting everything 10 times over. I cant even see the same LM-1 channel option as I used to use..? Its like HPT decided not to support it anymore??
    current build: 2000 Jeep Cherokee XJ, 4.6L stroker w/mild cam, competition ported Newcomer Racing head, Hardland Sharp rockers, full 3" exhaust, 62mm TB. 24# injectors etc..

    LS6 swapped Porsche 944

  10. #10
    Tuner in Training
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    Ok so that people that are searching for answers in the future and/or if HPT engineers want to read and may be you know correct the software somehow so its not so finicky..?

    I have isolated down to what causes my WB to blank out(ie not logging or even showing up in the list of pids (channels) When someone sends me a tune file and I have flashed it in and then try to use the VCM scanner to log the changes I have to re-add EVERY TIME my WB like you do when adding for the first time. I load my "saved channel config" then click "add channel" select MPVI2 - pro link - (I have the red wire connected to my WB analog signal so I click that option). - Now its visible (but not useable yet) in my list of channel (pids) then I right click on it then click "transform" - click "air-fuel ratio" lastly click on my WB
    This fixes the disappearing WB channel for me every time so far.
    current build: 2000 Jeep Cherokee XJ, 4.6L stroker w/mild cam, competition ported Newcomer Racing head, Hardland Sharp rockers, full 3" exhaust, 62mm TB. 24# injectors etc..

    LS6 swapped Porsche 944

  11. #11
    Tuner in Training shakenfake's Avatar
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    I actually ended up figuring out the issue a little bit after I made this post. Not sure why I didn't get thread updates but anyways...

    I had to delete the file for the truck and then repoll for parameters and do the whole nine yards again. I actually did a write up on how to do this on
    Going to link it down below but I have not had an issue since.

    Also this is something that I highly doubt HPTuners is working on as they want you to use their pro software. Not throwing shade at all because that is easily the best solution but this one works just as well. Just need to work it out a bit. Check out the link, will work 100%. If you need help PM me

  12. #12
    Tuner in Training
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    So one thing I figured out is if I'm logging and I stop the log, turn the truck off (AEM is tied to the oem O2 sensor fuse) but leave my computer running, Once I restart I have to restart the logger as well or it will disappear.

    But at the same time since I started using a USB hub and plugging both the MPVI and the AEM into it, there has been times I forgot to restart the scanner/logger and it still worked just fine. Again that little bonus only happened after I combined everything onto a 4 port USB hub....

    Dunno what or if than means anything, but just sharing my experience with the same issue that hasn't given me any more fits in almost 3 months now. And I log almost daily.
    Last edited by Pitbull; 10-26-2021 at 08:36 AM.

  13. #13
    Advanced Tuner
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    I ditched my serial WB. I got the AEM X series that goes thru the OBD. No problems

  14. #14
    Tuner in Training
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    OK Update: I am using the AEM 4110 Finally some progress, After searching and trying watching videos. Make sure the interface is fully plugged in the obd port. On my labtop I plug in the serial to usb on the leftside usb, and use the hpt on the rightside usb on the labtop. Initally First I start the car, let it warm up and connect, I had to do this a couple of times, but seemed to work. Forgot to mention also repolled it too. Still working today.
    Last edited by corvet786c; 11-08-2021 at 01:33 PM.

  15. #15
    Potential Tuner
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    Solved !! This might not apply to all of you but I run the aem 0300 had the same issue till I realized when wiring the db9 female to the truck the aem wiring diaphragm is backwards hope this helps pin 5 is far left pin 2 is second from the right

  16. #16
    Tuning Addict blindsquirrel's Avatar
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  17. #17
    Tuner in Training shakenfake's Avatar
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    Yeah I feel like I was having that same issue too but not exactly how you did. Something was strange about it.

  18. #18
    Tuner in Training
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    Well dang, I updated my tab to Windows 11 and now my widedband disappears when scanner connects. I can hear my computer recognize the USB input as it has an audible. Had no issues at all on Windows 10. Been reading threads and wow there's a lot of data all over the place.

  19. #19
    Tuner in Training shakenfake's Avatar
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    Yeah HPTuners is one reason I won?t be doing the upgrade just yet.

  20. #20
    Advanced Tuner
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    Quote Originally Posted by mxhalofan View Post
    Well dang, I updated my tab to Windows 11 and now my widedband disappears when scanner connects. I can hear my computer recognize the USB input as it has an audible. Had no issues at all on Windows 10. Been reading threads and wow there's a lot of data all over the place.
    I'm having the same problem after updating to windows 11. Serial worked perfectly before that.