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Thread: VCM Enhancement OS + Price

  1. #1

    VCM Enhancement OS + Price


    Not really sure where this should go and since my first choice for who to PM has pm's blocked(understandably) i guess i have to throw it here in the public realm.

    I have a single VIN licence for 1 bar SD (which is all i'll ever need) for my original stock tune. I had my car tuned by another tuner and as such he has loaded another year's tune into my car due to having alot more features for fuel control compared to my '99 standard tune.

    I talked the tuner into unlocking the tune so i could have a play and as such purchased the year (2003) for my interface so i could pull the tune out and reflash etc, some time has passed as i had issues getting the time to actually have a play and would now like to have a bit of a fiddle again which i started a week or so before 2.2.22 came out.

    I now realise that the tuner hasnt used a HPT Os and has used the standard Holden OS and i would like to throw a custom OS back into it so i can retain duel spark tables as a minimum, I went to the order upgrades page and was shocked to find that the 50$ VCM enhancement for 1 bar is now a 200$ whatever OS you want change which is a bit rough (for me anyway) since i'll never go FI so i only really need 1 bar SD.

    I was willing to pay the $50 USD to you guys for the customOS but i dont think im willing to pay the 400% price increase for All CustomOS' as i really feel like im paying for nothing as i'll never need any of the others ( i guess it feels like im helping pay for someone elses 2bar upgrade)

    The licence change seems to have come about with no warning either before or after the change, the HPTuners main page still talks of 2.2.0 being released and not 2.2.22 (as youve done for other releases) and while it may be good value for money for people wanting to go down the FI track later i feel its been a bit of a nasty change for the home tuner such as myself.

    Ive never upgraded to the MPVI as i dont intend on tuning a car that requires it but I gather this is a *special* on us serial interface users, since the MPVI lists 2 credits (@ 49$ ea) for a VCM enhancement licence which is 50% of the price your charging the first customers that supported your business by buying the suite when it first came out.

    Sorry to be (probably another) whinger about the change in licencing as youve may have had alot of people who will upgrade later saying its a good thing i just dont think you should lose focus from us small guys/original supporters of your product who are probably getting the short end of the straw from this deal (I figure if you get no feedback then you wont believe there is a problem )

    Where can we go from here, Is there any way to get my 99 VIN enhancement changed to the 2003 tune that im using as the base these days or perhaps allow me to purchase a 50$-100$ 1 bar SD enhancement for the 2003 tune im currently running ? I dont run any car with the 99 VCM enhancements so i have no problems losing that along the way. It probably stings more when talking to efilive users(which seems to be more the choice for us low end users these days) that get thier customOS' free.



  2. #2
    HP Tuners Support
    Bill@HPTuners's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Hailing from Parts Unknown
    With the implimentation of 2.22 there were a few changes to how the Custom OS's are licensed because previously the licenses didn't make much sense to our customers and offered little to no future proofness so to speak.

    for instance with the old system if you Licensed the 1 bar Speed Density custom os & then went to a supercharger setup 2 months later you would then need to license the 2 bar custom OS for another 2 credits which alot of our customers were upset about. Or if they licensed the 1 bar Speed Density custom OS thinking they would be able to still control fueling via maf only to realize they couldn't & then wanted the 1 bar MAF with RTT custom OS, again they would need to relicense it. So basically now what we've done is for 2 credits you get ALL the custom operating systems for that vcm id number that you licensed so if it has 1 bar SD, 2 bar SD, 3 bar SD & 1 bar maf available now you could apply any which one of them at no extra charge so you can try out which one is best for you & if you need to move up to a 2 or 3 bar at a later date you can do so without any relicensing.

    Serial interface users now have that same luxury with any custom OS you purchased previously you now have ALL available custom OS's unlocked for that vcm id number/vin number in the case of serial interface users as now you are simply licenseing the "VCM enhancements" rather than 1 bar SD or 2 bar SD, you get them ALL included at no extra charge.

    Also if you purchased an unlimited 1 bar enhancement pre 2.22 you'd now get ALL vcm enhancments for that vehicle group FREE so for most of our customers this is working out as a huge advantage for them.

    For use it was a necessary evil if you will to change our structure, not only for future ease of use(which will lessen emails to support) but also thinking into the future so we can actually develop custom OS's for new platforms knowing we have a way to recoupe some of the hundreds & sometimes thousands of hours of R&D work involved in creating custom OS's.
    It doesn't have to be perfect, it just needs to be done in two weeks...

    A wise man once said "google it"