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Thread: Space bar for logging instead of scanning?

  1. #1
    Tuner in Training
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Space bar for logging instead of scanning?

    Any chance later versions can change the space bar to turn logging on off instead of turning scanning on and off? That would be much more useful to log just the data from a single run.


  2. #2
    HP Tuners Owner Keith@HPTuners's Avatar
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    Sep 2002
    Chicago, IL

    Re: Space bar for logging instead of scanning?

    Shawn, we will implement something fairly easy to use while in the car.. its still a work in progress.
    We got this guy Not Sure, ...

  3. #3
    Tuner in Training
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Re: Space bar for logging instead of scanning?


    Thanks glad to hear it.

    What I'd *love* to see would be something like an auto logging/naming mode.

    When you turn that mode on the software would ask for something like a file name. Then until that was changed or the auto logging/naming was turned off (this could be a menu option) the system would do something like this:

    Turn on auto/logging. System asks for file name, 'stock-calibration' is entered by user.

    Hit 'Space' to start logging. Make the trial run.
    Hit 'Space' to stop logging. Scanner saves that run in a file named 'stock-calibration-1.txt' (or .CSV... whatever)

    When we hit the space bar again the system starts logging again and do another run. After the run is complete we hit the space bar again and this data is stored in 'stock-calibration-2.txt' and so on and so forth automatically incrementing the file number.

    Then we upload a new calibration into the VCM and to test the changes change the auto/logging name to be for example 'timing-adjusted' and it does the logging as 'timing-adjusted-x.txt.'

    X of course being the automatically incrementing run number for this logging set.

    Through all of this the system would keep the scanner itself connected and displaying the info but it would only log it to a file when turned on/off with the space bar or some other very easy to hit key.

    Make sense?


  4. #4
    Tuner in Training
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Re: Space bar for logging instead of scanning?

    even if markers in the file would be good
    then a voice/camcorder with your buddy, you could say marker1 hit space and it would mark the file or start a new file

    then next event say wot, then hit space and nail it.

    then you can go back and remember what you were doing.

    esp good for those cold/warm/hot start issues or running on flat/downhill/uphill surging issues.

  5. #5
    Potential Tuner
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    Apr 2004

    Re: Space bar for logging instead of scanning?

    Neat idea about the markers. I like that alot. Right when you throw a code or other activities, just hit something on the keyboard and it would put a marker in the log file. Nice idea!

  6. #6
    Tuner in Training
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Gaithersburg Md

    Re: Space bar for logging instead of scanning?

    Being able to start/stop logging with space bar would be
    a great feature to add.
    I've used Ease at the strip and being able to start log when staging without having to look at laptop /movemouse/click etc is very handy....(and stopping log on return road also).

    I use the 1/4 mile as my dyno..............

    (best 11.52 @118.95)