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Thread: Smoothing out the idle

  1. #1

    Smoothing out the idle

    I don't know why my idle is always all jumpy. One of the reasons might be the lack of MAF screen and erradic air readings.

    So I was thinking of evening out the idle range readings to one value. My idle airflow is between 3.8 and 5.3. The closes outside values are 3.58 and 5.77. I picked values that will encompass my actual values so that it won't hit anything outside during idle. Corresponding frequencies are 2125 and 2625.

    I was going to stick a value in the middle like 4.68 in the cells between and including 2125 and 2625.

    Is there anything wrong with doing this? It's just an attempt at a smoother idle and nothing else.

  2. #2

    Re: Smoothing out the idle

    If you have the MAF Screen out, that's probably the problem.....

    I "ported" my throttlebody (just cleaned out the sharp edges, etc), and I confirmed one of my suspicions in doing that...

    When you have the MAF Screen out, the little lip that keeps the MAF Screen from being sucked in is causing turbulence, and that turbulence is what causes the rough idle.

    When I ported my TB, I ground down that lip, and my idle is back to normal now.

    So, I wouldn't bother with the idle stuff, unless you have a specific reason in terms of tuning. Them's my thoughts on it. John

  3. #3
    HP Tuners Owner Keith@HPTuners's Avatar
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    Sep 2002
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    Re: Smoothing out the idle

    Thats great thinking John. I never tought those little lips in the 3.8 TB would cause turbulance like you suggested.

    Nice work.
    We got this guy Not Sure, ...

  4. #4

    Re: Smoothing out the idle

    Good thinking.

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