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Thread: AEM 30-0334-type direct OBDII wideband for older vehicles. Any takers ?

  1. #41
    Advanced Tuner
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    OK. I went ahead and bit the bullet and ordered PCBs for the currently available parts.

    I did make once change, that, maybe 5 people may care about. A added pins to connect an AEM 30-2064 type Exhaust back-pressure sensor kit ( or, roll your own ). So, those interested can have fully compensated AFR and, log the exhaust pressure as a custom PID. Mostly useful for pre-CAT and pre-turbo installations.

  2. #42
    Tuner in Training
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    Houston, TX
    ^^ that sounds exciting.
    2002 Suburban 5.3L (BTR V2 Stage II Truck Cam Kit) | 4L60E (Corvette Servo)

  3. #43
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    For those keeping track: The blank PCBs and parts are here. The boards are out for assembly, now. I hope to have the 1st ones, next week.

    Then, I can start the firmware...

  4. #44
    Advanced Tuner
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    Sounds good sir. I'm not on the board as much these last few weeks, but I still definitely want one

  5. #45
    Tuner in Training
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    Quote Originally Posted by dr.mike View Post
    For those keeping track: The blank PCBs and parts are here. The boards are out for assembly, now. I hope to have the 1st ones, next week.

    Then, I can start the firmware...
    woo hoo!

    another nice update.

    keep up the good work
    2002 Suburban 5.3L (BTR V2 Stage II Truck Cam Kit) | 4L60E (Corvette Servo)

  6. #46
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    The 1st samples are here !

    Now, I just need to verify the hardware, write the firmware and software, and, we are good to go


  7. #47
    Senior Tuner
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    looks great! Can't wait!
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  8. #48
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    2002 Suburban 5.3L (BTR V2 Stage II Truck Cam Kit) | 4L60E (Corvette Servo)

  9. #49
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    OK.. It's not pretty. But it's working ( so far ) At least it talks to the ECU simulator.

    It speaks fluent J1850VPW. In THEORY, all I need to do is port over the ECU emulation code from the 30-0334; and, I will have basic functionality.But, it is NEVER that easy :P

    1. The OBD2 connectors, from China do not "exactly" match the drawings. So, the fit to the housing will not look so good, until I modify the PCB, to compensate.

    2. One screw up, of my own, requires a small rework to the PCBs. I can just "dead bug" these prototypes


    Note: This is the GM variant of J1850. I still need to work on the Chrysler VPW and Ford PWM modes.

  10. #50
    Tuner in Training
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    good luck!
    2002 Suburban 5.3L (BTR V2 Stage II Truck Cam Kit) | 4L60E (Corvette Servo)

  11. #51
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    As the attached image "clearly shows" .... The J1850VPW codeis working in ECU emulation mode

    The ELM327 scanner thingy, OTOH... is kinda annoying. It is rather persnickety about what data it will, and will not, show. Even though my device, the ECU sim, and the scope, agree it was there. I may need to make my own. Grrr...

    But, at least, the J1850 stuff was the only unknown in the project.


  12. #52
    Tuner in Training
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    Quote Originally Posted by dr.mike View Post
    As the attached image "clearly shows" .... The J1850VPW codeis working in ECU emulation mode
    that's great news.

    Quote Originally Posted by dr.mike View Post
    The ELM327 scanner thingy, OTOH... is kinda annoying. It is rather persnickety about what data it will, and will not, show. Even though my device, the ECU sim, and the scope, agree it was there. I may need to make my own. Grrr...
    i have and ELM327 somewhere, the bluetooth variant. but get this, it absolutely will not work on my 2002 Suburban. i purchased a harbor fright device and it worked perfectly.
    2002 Suburban 5.3L (BTR V2 Stage II Truck Cam Kit) | 4L60E (Corvette Servo)

  13. #53
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    There are a lot of fake Chinese ELM327 units out there, that only work with the CAN protocol. I have a couple of those.

    This one got me close enough to start talking to VCMScanner. So, I can take it, from here

    Trying to think of a a good ECU name for the device ( to make it easier to search for ). The AEM 30-0334 does not have enough codespace to support ECU ID strings. So, it shows up as "Unknown". For now, this device shows up as "DR.MIKES WB(S)"

  14. #54
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    Here is some progress....

    #1 From the InfoLog

    #2 From the Add Channel dialog

    Now, to add some simulated data, and record some test logs

  15. #55
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    Consider one's own horn, as having been duly tooted :P

  16. #56
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    also, congratulations, mr. dr.mike sir

    Quote Originally Posted by dr.mike View Post
    Trying to think of a a good ECU name for the device ( to make it easier to search for ). The AEM 30-0334 does not have enough codespace to support ECU ID strings. So, it shows up as "Unknown". For now, this device shows up as "DR.MIKES WB(S)"
    sounds fitting.
    (pun intended)
    Last edited by leciphern; 02-10-2022 at 10:32 PM.
    2002 Suburban 5.3L (BTR V2 Stage II Truck Cam Kit) | 4L60E (Corvette Servo)

  17. #57
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    I always say "I should, probably, not be allowed so solder."

    The mayhem, shown below, is the result of just 2 pins being reversed on a single part, used, just twice, on the PCB.
    Once the affected chips were" recreated", out of single transistors, everything functions ok


    Suffice to say, nobody will be getting an A1 rev prototype PCB for beta testing :P

    On the plus side, with the 2 pin swaps, and a slight board-size adjustment, to deal with the drawing variance, on the connectors, the hardware looks all good to go.

    The VPW ( GM+Chrysler ) firmware looks pretty solid., I don't expect much fuss from the PWM ( Ford code ) . It also does CAN. But, that is a known quantity.

    Putting together a quick Windows USB app, to do the configuration should be done, before the A2 rev. PCBs get here.

    Also, it looks like I only get 4 characters for the ECU name. So, It will have to be "WB02". No biggie.

    So, the only big job left is getting the housings worked out.

    Word to the wise.... always double-check component footprints that you download from the internet! Just because the guy who made it had both of the swapped pins connected to ground, and was able to "fix it in the firmware", doesn't mean it wont release the blue smoke, when the two elements are used separately, with one side connected to the power rail ....

  18. #58
    Tuner in Training
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    ^^ that's crazy.

    going to pour one on the curb for the lost components and their magic smoke.

    just in case you haven't figured it out, "MIKE" is four characters
    2002 Suburban 5.3L (BTR V2 Stage II Truck Cam Kit) | 4L60E (Corvette Servo)

  19. #59
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    ^^ that's crazy.
    Close. It was lazy....

    But, now, I have 100% functionality. I am down to small appearance items like:
    What to have the gauges display, while in "SafeStart" mode.

    In SafeStart mode, the widebands, controlled by the device do not, automatically, power up, with the device, when the ignition is switched on. To protect the sensors, from thermal shock, they are kept "cold", until the engine is started. i.e. they will not go through their "warm-up" cycle, until the engine is running ( like an OEM sensor ). But, they are still powered on. So, they need to display SOMETHING, to let you know that everything is OK.

    For right now, they just say "Hold", until they are started. At which point, the go through the normal power-up sequence. But, I can display anything that makes more sense ( as long as it is 4 characters, without K M V W or X ).

    For those who enjoy paying for WB sensors, the SafeStart mode can be disabled. Or, overridden, by pressing the "SEL" button, on the gauge.

    I should be sending out for "production" PCBs on Monday. By the time they are ready, I will have the configuration app/firmware update tool ready to do.

    So, now, it is just a matter of getting the housing straightened out, before I can put some test units out there. Perhaps the 1st few will need to go to someone with a 3D printer


  20. #60
    Tuner in Training
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    Quote Originally Posted by dr.mike View Post
    But, now, I have 100% functionality.
    2002 Suburban 5.3L (BTR V2 Stage II Truck Cam Kit) | 4L60E (Corvette Servo)